Use Currency Notes To Pass Political Message All Over Kenya, FREE & Effective

Ugandans use this free method to campaign for Bobby against M7, here in Kenya the trend is catching up. #Wanjinganyinyi is on thousands of Ksh 1000 and Ksh 500 notes. Come 2022 we shall deface ALL notes with ANTI RUTO messages. # Apana tambua Mwizi Mkuu RUTO

Nice idea

Very good…


Everyone trying to get nominated will put his slogan on the Kenyan currency. G.o.K should make it illegal, sitaki nikiwa nyeri, nashika pesa ziko na Slogan za MCA wa Busia.

willingly defacing a currency note is a criminal offence, banks will be under instructions not to accept any defaced note, mtalia chooni

Ruto bot

Anti Ruto