Very disturbing, April 2022

Is this about health or control?

Shanghai on lockdown because 7 people died in a city of 26.32 million people. Its obvious this has nothing to do with covid. China is doing some kind of sick government experiment on its citizens.

communists are like that. individuals dont matter. for all the government cares your individuality can be deleted and you be given a number like a car. all people are supposed to be uniform to form the character of the group, which is paramount to them … except of course party officials and especially certain party officials. its simply forced labour and dictatorship.

666 will finally be implemented in the near future one way or the other. COVID was the first phase of trials. I am sure that the Sons of the Devil are busy crafting something for us to unleash as stage 2. The goal is to take away the freedoms and rights from individual humans and make them to be like tagged animals in a zoo

Indeed it doesn’t make sense. A mass non-consensual social experiment.

I’m starting to think that China knows something that they’re not telling the rest of us. Just like last time we will soon find out, and just like last time we will all be affected.

It is about oppression and enslavement. This is an evil regime.

@Sambamba begs to differ.