We are almost there. Covid czar, head of globalism.

Marine @Kahuni Maisha ameshindwa na kazi. So now God is handing down punishment. @kipuke naye he is too scared.



Who takes over ?

Probably huyu :

Børge Brende - Agenda Contributor | World Economic Forum

Together, we will overcome corona and create a new world on paradise earth.

But we need only 500 million of us, do your part and get the fucking vaxxine.


[SIZE=4]Great Reset Globalists: “They will own NOBODY. They will be unhappy”[/SIZE]
The Great Resist is in effect

Hizo ma plan hua hazikatiki mseeh mmoja akidedi.


Jehovas witnesses sure do have nice illustrations. You guys agree with hii story ya kudungwa hii poison?

How else can you get rid of 7.5 billion.

Dr Isaacs ni fauchi
