Why Blue light is bad for you and your slumber

Twitter was among the first platforms to offer dark mode, also called night mode.

It’s always portrayed as a cool and fancy smartphone feature, that’s mostly used by gamers, cool kids , tweeps and people with eye problems.

But what majority don’t know is that dark mode is not just a cool, sleek and modern feature on the smartphone. The truth is, it’s good for your health. It’s a stealth attempt to improve the health of smartphones addicts.

In addition to serving night owls, visually impaired users, gamers, dark modes saves our batteries. So if you’re a person with the “I forgot my charger at home”syndrome, you better make that shift to night mode for your own good.

If your phone does not have the dark mode feature on its setting, click here to enable click here

Meanwhile here are more reasons why you should be compelled to shift to dark mode:
[li]Night mode reduces the blue lights emitted which can reduce the eye strain[/li][li]Promises it can help you sleep better by reducing exposure to the blue light[/li][li]It makes the screen warmer[/li][li]Blue light is known to have short wavelength keeping the brain alert, night mode can drastically reducing the blue lights[/li][li]Night mode makes it easier to look at the screen in dark[/li][li]Ensures that the overall brightness is lower making it easier for bedmates to sleep together[/li][/ul]

install red moon kama your android is a low version

and f.lux on PC

And Twilight on Android. On iPhone, washa night mode.

No app beats this



MIUI10 has dark mode

Most of you aren’t scientists and do not understand the whole picture. As a scientist, I know that these apps do not take care of confounding factors (smartphone related) that may cause you to secrete less melatonin. These apps and OS features only have a placebo effect and nothing more. Kama unataka kulala just get to a dark room at the right time, with temperatures not more than 17 degrees Celsius and avoid using phones, laptops and computers about an hr before you sleep.

I think it will be more and more like that. Not many people know here that Skype already have this feature starting from some feature here. But if you are so worried about that you can simply turn off your PC or smartphone at night and that’s it. That will be natural rest.

You dont need an app y’all…There’s a browser that offers you this feature…believe it or not