98.4 NEWS:Garbage-to-charcoal venture earns 27-yr-old a date with Queen

She had a good initiative but I would like to hear about the revenues she is pulling because I know the cash flow is very dismal.

I have met so much so many of these people who have been featured on newspapers and most do not even have businesses that generate money.

How can I prove that this business doesn’t generate enough money.

  1. She is a 2016 Washington fellow. To be a Washington fellow involves applying to go to a US based college or university to participate in a 6 week training. That is not counting the amount of time wasted in planning for logistics and applying for the fellowship.

Now, who leaves a cash cow for 6 weeks to go for a training? Hizi ni zile businesses that sound good on PR but are actually carcasses if you inspect deeper

I have seen this implemnted apartment-wise. ie you set up a mini gas distribution in high end/serviced apartments.


Reminds me of that indian chute kid called Heshan de silva sumthing.Dude said he was wealthy & runs sum hedge funds funded by rich westerners that runs smes in east africa but didnt back it.Wacha he was blacklisted by a reputable PR firm on media platforms for his inconsistencies.Dude went missing mpaka sahizi he went into oblivion!!!

He claimed his net worth was kes 1 billion and was also featured on Young Rich on k24.


Hashi had plans for this a while back with a capital outlay of about 40M for bulk gas supply to gated communities, don’t know if it took off. Also another developer had such plans, can’t remember the name.

@grandpa don’t forget the pitching circuit guys who are forever in every conference and pitch and chasing after every grant

Do you speak of the dead startup Cladlight who were in every competition, tech conference and we’re featured on all tech publications locally only they had 0 customers :D:D:D


Wouldn’t this then be a timely plan on her part to get a larger market share + funding?

Yes yes. But I am not really sure if any investor with any clout would invest in this business.

Let’s look at it this way

  1. I don’t know how long she has been business. But based on the numbers she has given, she has made an approximate 2.5m from the 1.5m total investment. That is assuming she gave no discounts on the 80tonnes of charcoal supplied. Now subtract operational expenses e.g. cost of goods, salaries, living expenses on the fellowship etc. Not that this was a fellowship and not an incubation for the business hence it is of personal value but does not add value to the business

  2. This idea is not unique. There are over a dozen companies doing this with better levels of success. Her selling point on the article is that, she is the only one in a male dominated Business. These are the kind of selling points that only matter in hackathon competition pitches and Grant application.

I think it is a decent way to obtain a living, but as of now, this is more of a hobby than a business that an actual investor can get in unless for PR purposes of girl empowerment only

Good insight…
I will hopeful for her that the targeted consumers won’t look into her numbers rather they will consider the product. Much like the hype train is on Jiko Koa, brickets and so on. Some brains beyond the beauty nonetheless.

Also think that young guys just starting out put a lot of emphasis on vanity metrics such as being the only female in a male dominated field, having a large social media presence and have been featured in so many papers, conferences et al. I know a couple of guys who are in the tech obituaries of Techmoran always helps to put your head down and create real tangible value without the media circus and hype

all this is exactly what i was talking about, appearing in media and TV does not mean success!