A low-paying job or no job: Which does more harm?

You are paid just enough to keep you on the job. It is against the employers interest to pay you more than that because you are likely to become financilally independent in a short while if paid well. If you do not accept that, you are a rebel that knows the boundary between personal assets and assets belonging to the company/employer an therefore an unfit element of human resource fraternnity. This is why you had to fall out with those employers. Employers will try to blur the line between you and their thing with words like: “sacrifice, dedication, dilligence, hard work, cooperation, TEAM WORK , team building, etc”. You were clever enough to quit or you would have become dependent with time.

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once your employed chances of getting another good job job its high compared to the jobless fella. If you have done HR don’t limit your self to that particular field, try sales etc


they are after killing their employees ambitions by giving them tasks that are downgrading and embrassing. such employers will always keep telling you how jobs are scarce. this is mostly common in private sectors which are run day to day by the owner.