A question from me( teetotaller) to you( drukard)

translate na gino nyako

Kunyita humaanisha?

You know sometimes, something means what it means if written in mother tongue. To say ndigiitwo ndiho…means even though I am saying I don’t really drink anymore…the alcohol cannot be poured down the drain kama niko hapo…does that make sense?..now said in Kyuk from one to another, those 2 words carry a lot of weight.



I meant kunyita is umeshika:D

:D:D Nimekuelewa.

So how about you comment on the other ishu. Teetotal men are deadly skirt chasers and are semi s.ex addicts?

Women definetly generalize when it comes to teetotallers, i would say that i am a mild skirt chaser and more of an outdoor kind of man. But that could be as a result of me being a bachelor, my old man is a teetotaller and he was faithful to my mum.

Women are definitely wrong on this.

Well…let’s say a significant percentage of them are… ti othe

eeer …you may never know

You have a point.

just off topic kiasi - ndigiitwo can be confused for kunyongwa :), I remember back in my lower primary days the teacher always used to insist on the use of ‘gakûfia’ in this case something like ndîgîitwo. Back home we would say, ‘unakusundura imbeho mba’ something like that, though it would not have much meaning - interesting how translations can get the message lost.

Truesay…I have to learn how to put the gakufia. Sikusomea Muchatha…nilienda shengland aka Eastlands.


I only drink one or two cups of keg once or twice a month and that’s enough for me however I’m a heavy smoker

Na venye keg kwanza ya black ni addictive… How do u manage

Wacha nitoe lock

Many years of self control

A serious man must have a vice, one of these:
3. Cigarettes
4. Religion
5. Workaholism/money pursuit
6. politics