Admin & Mods

so you want to mean that even gays are above the law?

Nobody is above the law but do you think the law has ever been applied in the scenarios you and I are quoting?

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thats kenya for you

I dnt see monkey defend his actions as he and Avicii are the notorious mods


VIP naelewa mbona ilienda, ni story ya ad. revenues, lakini weed hiyo sielewi.
Unakumbuka klost kulikuwa na story ya how mods made themselves invaluable to the admin by creating pseudo characters to run amock in the village making the mod non expendable. hivi ndivyo hapa kunaenda

They have not been caught bonking or being bonked. If they get found they will surely cool their heels at Kamiti.
Which brings me to an interesting place.
Given all the talk we hear of homosexuality in Kenyan prisons,why are those advocating for and are gay not getting themselves imprisoned where they can get to bonk and get bonked to their satisfaction under the very long arm of the law? :cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:

am i the only one who is reminded of a mosquito or a housefly?
those things annoy it is good they dont talk they would beat women hands down

Fag detected


I don’t think that is happening in Ktalk, remember in Klist it was just speculation who were the mods, here it is well known and we actually engage you guys whenever there is an issue.

shindwe,saitan pepo mbaya wewe

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Because the DPP has to prove Binyavanga has has carnal.knowledge of let’s say @Njamba Huthu, which would require the aggrieved party to report the matter or the CID to actually investigate who is having carnal knowledge of the other, but then they have more important things to do.

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now thats a funny way of looking at things, but why would anybody who is normal ( assuming that maybe gaysm is a personal choice of a normal person) choose to loose their freedom so as to bonk or get bonked. one would rather die a virgin or kawasaki

@admin nifanye moderator uone vile nitafanya kazi mzuri. I’ll handle these villagers for you. Thank you in advance.:D:D


noun: narcotic; plural noun: narcotics
[li]1.[/li]a drug or other substance affecting mood or behavior and sold for nonmedical purposes, especially an illegal one.
[li]Medicine[/li]a drug that relieves pain and induces drowsiness, stupor, or insensibility.
synonyms: soporific (drug), opiate, sleeping pill;More
painkiller, pain reliever, analgesic, anodyne, palliative, anesthetic;
tranquilizer, sedative;
informaldowner, dope;
“addicted to narcotics”
adjective: narcotic
relating to or denoting narcotics or their effects or use.
“the substance has a mild narcotic effect”
synonyms: soporific, sleep-inducing, opiate;

please let’s not be academic

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Gashwin, what did fangi do to you? Just tell us.

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[SIZE=6]Cannabis sativa[/SIZE]
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cannabis sativa
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Rosids
Order: Rosales
Family: Cannabaceae
Genus: Cannabis
Species: C. sativa
Binomial name
Cannabis sativa

C. sativassp.sativa
C. sativassp.indica
C. sativassp.ruderalis

Cannabis sativais an annual herbaceous plant in theCannabisgenus, a species of theCannabaceaefamily. People have cultivatedCannabis sativathroughoutrecorded historyas a source ofindustrial fibre,seed oil,food,recreation,religious and spiritual moods, andmedicine. Each part of the plant is harvested differently, depending on the purpose of its use. The species was first classified byCarolus Linnaeusin 1753.[1]

[li]1Common uses[/li][li]2Plant physiology[/li][li]3Cultivars[/li][li]4Pharmacology[/li][li]5Chemical constituents[/li][LIST]
[li]5.1Difference between[I]C. sativa[/I]and[I]C. indica[/I][/li][/ul]
[li]6References[/li][li]7External links[/li][/LIST]
[SIZE=5]Common uses[edit][/SIZE]
Main articles:Industrial and personal uses of[I]Cannabis[/I],Cannabis (drug)andHemp
A sack made from hemp fiber
Its seeds are chiefly used to make hempseed oil which can be used for cooking, lamps, lacquers, or paints. They can also be used as caged-bird feed, as they provide a moderate source of nutrients for most birds. The flowers (and to a lesser extent the leaves, stems, and seeds) containpsychoactivechemical compoundsknown ascannabinoidsthat are consumed for recreational, medicinal, and spiritual purposes. When so used, preparations of flowers (marijuana) and leaves and preparations derived from resinous extract (e.g.hashish) are consumed by smoking, vaporizing and oral ingestion. Historically,tinctures,teas, andointmentshave also been common preparations. Intraditional medicineof India in particularC. sativahas been used as hallucinogenic, hypnotic,sedative,analgesic, andanti-inflammatoryagent.[2]

[SIZE=5]Plant physiology[edit][/SIZE]
Main articles:CannabisandCannabis cultivation
Theflowersof the female plant are arranged inracemesand can produce hundreds of seeds. Male plants shed their pollen and die several weeks prior to seed ripening on the female plants. Although genetic factors dispose a plant to become male or female, environmental factors including thediurnal light cyclecan alter sexual expression.[citation needed]Naturally occurringmonoeciousplants, with both male and female parts, are either sterile or fertile but artificially induced “hermaphrodites” (a commonly used misnomer) can have fully functional reproductive organs. “Feminized” seed sold by many commercial seed suppliers are derived from artificially “hermaphrodytic” females that lack the male gene, or by treating the plants with hormones or silverthiosulfate. In the case of production related to recreational use of Cannabis, the process of “cloning” provides the grower with DNA identical female plants eliminating the need of seeds for the growing process.

ACannabisplant in the vegetative growth phase of its life requires more than 12–13 hours of light per day to stay vegetative. Flowering usually occurs when darkness equals at least 12 hours per day[dubious–discuss]. The flowering cycle can last anywhere between nine to fifteen weeks, depending on the strain and environmental conditions.

In soil, the optimumpHfor the plant is 6.3 to 6.8. Inhydroponicgrowing, the nutrient solution is best at 5.2 to 5.8, makingCannabiswell-suited to hydroponics because this pH range is hostile to most bacteria and fungi.

Broadly, there are three maincultivar groupsof cannabis that are cultivated today:

[li]Cultivars primarily cultivated for their fibre, characterised by long stems and little branching.[/li][li]Cultivars grown for seed which can be eaten entirely raw or from whichhemp oilis extracted.[/li][li]Cultivars grown for medicinal orrecreationalpurposes. A nominal if not legal distinction is often made between industrial hemp, with concentrations of psychoactive compounds far too low to be useful for that purpose, andmarijuana.[/li][/ul]
Main article:Cannabis (drug)
The flower of a hybrid Cannabis indica plant
Cannabis sativa, scientific drawing fromc1900
Although the main psychoactive constituent ofCannabisistetrahydrocannabinol(THC), the plant is known to contain about sixtycannabinoids; however, most of these “minor” cannabinoids are only produced in trace amounts.[citation needed]Besides THC, another cannabinoid produced in high concentrations by some plants iscannabidiol(CBD), which is not psychoactive but has recently been shown to block the effect of THC in the nervous system.[citation needed]Differences in the chemical composition ofCannabisvarieties may produce different effects in humans. Synthetic THC, called dronabinol, does not containCBD,CBN, or other cannabinoids, which is one reason why itspharmacologicaleffects may differ significantly from those of naturalCannabispreparations.

[SIZE=5]Chemical constituents[edit][/SIZE]
Cannabischemical constituents include about 100 compounds responsible for itscharacteristic aroma. These are mainly volatileterpenesandsesquiterpenes.

[li]Tetrahydrocannabinol(THC)[/li][li]Cannabidiol(CBD)[/li][li]α-Pinene[3][/li][li]Myrcene[3][/li][li]Linalool[3][/li][li]Limonene[3][/li][li]Trans-ÎČ-ocimene[3][/li][li]α-Terpinolene[3][/li][li]Trans-caryophyllene[3][/li][li]α-Humulene,[3]contributes to the characteristic aroma ofCannabis sativa[/li][li]Caryophyllene-oxide,[3]with which some hashish detection dogs are trained[4][/li][/ul]
[SIZE=4]Difference betweenC. sativaandC. indica[edit][/SIZE]
On average,Cannabis sativahas higher levels ofCBDcompared toTHC, whereasCannabis indicahas higher levels of THC to CBD.[5]There are three chemotaxonomic types ofCannabis: one with high levels of THC, one which is more fibrous and has higher levels of CBD, and one that is an intermediate between the two.[5][6]

Cannabisstrains with relatively high CBD:THC ratios are less likely to induceanxietythan vice versa. This may be due to CBD’santagonisticeffects at thecannabinoid receptors, compared to THC’spartial agonisteffect.[citation needed]CBD is also a5-HT1Areceptor(serotonin) agonist, which may also contribute to an anxiolytic-content effect.[7]The effects ofsativaare well known for its cerebral high, whileindicais well known for its sedative effects which some prefer for night time use.[7]Both types are used asmedical cannabis.Indicaplants are normally shorter and stockier thansativas.[6]They have broader, deeply serrated leaves and a compact and dense flower cluster. The effects ofindicasare predominantly physical and sedative.

Google aint academia

for me it screwed my whole life.
you know i wanted to be a priest

Ulivuta fangi kiasi gani?

it can only be measured in tonnes.

@ol monk you know what,I surprise and surpass myself too. Everyday