After 120 + days Aunt Flow is in the area

Non I can tell of but in the beginning kulikua na night sweats but ziliisha

so the issue of reduced testosterone is just a myth

Are you considering it …

Yes, in future after two ice cubelets

@imei2012 … Are you sure the nyeges don’t punguka? Have you added more weight? (like in case of neutered pets)

In my case no…no weight gain,no change in voice,no reduced sex drive etc but caution though WHAT WORKS FOR ME MIGHT NOT WORK FOR YOU!
bodies are wired different

Already answered

Lazima ungeanzisha thread to tell us your wife ananyesha? Jameni vitu zingine ni umama kabisa.

Urgh ferk that shit hii maisha anything can happen. Under no circumstances will I voluntarily dry my blood line.

Hehehe weeeeeue


An absolute myth. Totally harmless procedure.

Easy. The menses have been brought about by switching from a progestin only pill to a combined oral contraceptive pill. The only issue with combined pills is that they cause a reduction in breast milk. Combined pills are often used to regularise hormones.

Kdf hawezi ongeza weight

Mwathethe the whale must be an exception to the rule then, aye?

Kwani bob colly more huuza safaricom sim cards kwa safaricom shops?

vasectomy and castration are totally different things


And eunuchs will not enter the gates of heaven(ula muvevenze mee make kana kutilwa kia chake ndakaalika ituni)

msee anaweza clip vas deferens temporarily??