All public procurement officers fired.

Let’s be honest here. Whoever has worked in a government parastatal will tell how this corruption works. Even before development money are sent to parastatals kickback amounts needs to be agreed upon. The kickback is sent to PS of the mother ministry.
A CEO who doesn’t send back the money, you will be freezed on development monies and later changed.
Hizi corruption huwa, na its known. Nothing is new. All those money don’t just end up in someone pockets hivo tu. Kuna process. Na its known.
I can tell you for free for any non generating income parastatals only the few with big connections to state house have received development money since last year August before elections.
All the best in the fight, Mr President.

Spot on.

The low level hanging fruit are just conduits.

However, “following orders” was determined not to be a mitigating circumstance during the Nuremberg trials.

In short, “kila mtu abebe msalaba wake mwenyewe”


Hehehe. Wakenya.

Mouth-piece lazima isikike.

Just like the hedi in Primary school. He hears noise coming from the class. He assumes the whole class is responsible. However 12 out of 55 kids are causing the noise. He punishes the whole class.

Kenyans just want their stolen money back. Tomorrow the headlines will scream about Ksh 95 billion at Kenya Pipeline however we will not hear much about the recovery of the same.


36 bloggers chieth.
And polygraph tests are not reliable. They are also not admissible in court as evidence

True, they can’t be used as evidence in court.But I believe a failed polygraph test can be used as the basis of a deeper forensic investigation into an individual’s networks and wealth. Shida is whether UK has the determination to follow this shit to the bitter end, whether with friend, relative or associate.

You just confirm what that blogger has said. Give credit where credits due, at least something is being done about corruption, the fight has to start somewhere.

Corruption na siasa ASIDE, Naweza dry fry huyo Pauline Njoroge mbaya.

Wapi mdomo bakuli @spear?

Perhaps the vetting should extend to PS’s, the deputies and Senior Staff - the administrators of Gov funds. Call for a declaration from all staff who have previously held the role of PSs / the senior staff, currently holding senior roles within bodies and instituitions’ that receive government funds; to allow them get a clear understanding and to root out the process by which corruption is sustained and maintained.