Ask Alchemist

Utajibu lini? Ama umekufa tena?

leave us alone!

@Alchemist can we be naked my deer?

this one is going to be interesting; watching thread as i watch some kneews

:D:D:DI wasn’t trying anything , white flag


not funny

Maybe he finally committed, no answer to any of your questions thus far.


It’s been a long struggle with myself, it peaked at that time as it sometimes does. I survived because I chose to listen to somebody else other than myself.

Metaphorically yes. The quest of a true alchemist is not physical but mental, some financial and others spiritual. I focus on the mental and financial

I gave all girls a compulsory leave until a time of my choosing to suspend the same.


Yes. Gay question redeem yourself.

In your mental capacity and ability to avoid procrastination.


Twenty four moons less three score.

I stick to prescribed holes.


Hautamjua na siwezi weka jina hapa.

Biggest achievement=Turning my life around financially.
Greatest fear=Myself.

Like a smoking helicopter, still flying but in need of repair or…

What’s your favourite book?

When you ask a damn question and stop speculating.

Good afternoon hateful V.S

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

People who commit suicide are some selfish bastards…don’t care about their loved ones…which brings me to my question… What happened to you that you don’t believe in religion?

let me answer this part. That has nothing to do with anything.

maybe he’s looking at why a god would let 6 million die to prove a point