Atheismo your post


If this is indeed the mods doing then i can tell you that you are killing your own site. If guys are going to be suspended because people are catching feeling over things that have no impact whatsoever on their lives, then people will stop commenting all together.

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lol I think its clear that you’re being ignored. At least you tried breh



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@Deorro I know you have deleted that thread. Please specify what went wrong just like you did about child porn issue.

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and VIP.

why cant we just respect each others beliefs and religion

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We can…its the mods who are fucking everything up

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Here’s the nonsense that transpired right before it went down.

But it shall be daily, my friends, and will be up again.


And YET they force their daily word on us daily. Have they ever questioned whether we find it distasteful and BACKWARD?


@admin and whoever is in charge.

Do yourself a favour and lenga this whole thing. It will correct itself before you know it.

Also no one will ever force anyone to read/open a thread. Besides the thread had a heading: Daily Atheist Meme. Why open it to be offended. It is like requesting to be raped. And all this has happened because of one pink handle who is not sure about their god.

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Either allow Koran daily quotes, Buddha quotes, christian and atheists or ban all religions threads. Simple!


Sounds more friendly.


we cant discuss nude women,holyherb and peoples insanity in beleive in a jew god who once killed the whole human race expect noah?
is this a church or something?


We could if the followers of these religions did not turn around and disrespect our sensibilities.