Bhangi messed up this guy

Ni kama Pedi wake hukaa anamchanganyishiia stock expired. He should consider growing his own weed

Well here’s the thing, many people have latent schizophrenia. Like some people have latent conditions that they may never discover if they don’t smoke weed especially. Weed has been known to awaken latent schizophrenia.

I know quite a few people who lost their mind completely because of weed and they never went back to normal.

Don’t you mean cocaine? Isn’t heroine shot up? It’s either he was doing crack cocaine or powder coke.

BTW there’s alot of stuff bhangi can be laced with. For example a wet blunt is laced with formahydlene or embalming fluid and it can make you temporarily insane.

Atleast PCP isn’t available in Kenya coz I have seen people decapitate their toddlers and tear out people’s liver and eat it and after they get back from the high they don’t remember a damn thing.

All recreational drugs open a Portal to demons including alcohol. People have killed others while high on booze and can’t recall anything the next day.

Be high on life. Don’t mess around with mood altering drugs.

Not likely. When he explained his weed trip its like he’s possessed by a demon or seriously hallucinating. He says he sees alot of dead people like Bob Collymore.

Another thing that makes drugs mess people up including alcohol is that it dehydrates you and then you are probably sleep deprived which is the fastest way to lose your mind and hence why it’s used in Gtmo Bay to get information from prisoners of war or terrorists. Sleep deprivation bcz junkies spend days on uppers and downers and do not sleep for like 3 days and then they start hallucinating.

Disclaimer : I’ve never done drugs not even miraa. There was a time I was into drug memoirs. The lives junkies live is the real definition of hell. They will do anything for drugs when arostto starts to hit. Alot of them in Malindi at mbuzi wengi and mbuyu wa kusema, they also like staying near the ocean. Probably where they sleep since they are mostly homeless. They are usually in some stupor. I don’t know how anyone sane can experiment with drugs.
