
kaka…pussy inaweza kumaliza…go slow…invest in one pussy that will become your own…if not look for cheap whores downtown.

kaaangura ati 20k?!?!?

kaaangura ati 20k?!?!?

Spending to get pussy.Then you must be exceedingly ugly and unsure of yourself.I get pussy without spending a dime or even the reverse happens.She spends on me and after tapping that thing to my fill, she’ll be left chasing after shadows.

I crave that I may study at thy feet, thou perspicacious oracle!

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Are you quoting Yates the poet?

Women sense desperation, once they know you can do anything to get them part their thighs, you’re done for.Act cocky and arrogant and believe you me, you can ferk almost any powerful woman of your dreams.


There is a poet called Yates?

mmmhhh…worth considering