Boychild amelambishwa sakafu

Almost a charlie foxtrot jana. Nimetoka kumeza two beers two double shots ruski.
Nobody can stop reggae

Watu wa kutuma fare na kununua nudes ni omega males.

Forward brother when you come around local we do this[ATTACH=full]229788[/ATTACH]

Yenyewe msichekelee huyu boi child. Hujui uchungu ya hiyo doh na ile dry spell ako nayo. i’m trying to relate.

Spoken like a proper champ. Sex is never a favour, so that ikiharibika uko mbele Hakuna hio ujinga ya ooh you used me…

kutuma fare scams should not be talked about in 2019.
These kind of issues have been discussed here for ages


Then ucoke ujiireee …hahaa