Buyer Beware

Buying electronics through Facebook? Hujipendi

Sasa mtu asipoenda kwa authorized dealer kununua electronics especially, what do you expekti?

Huyu hata samosa paka amekula.

True let him post serial number and the product number of the laptop, to the OP if you are on windows enda pale Run(windows + R ) , in the subsequent dialogue box type command, then in the subsequent window, type

wmic bios get serialnumber

Wekelea hiyo number hapa

Being Kenyan is a tough job, you need to be on your toes 24/7 everyone is trying to con you. Are there no more honest people?

I think you are just used to fake things

You got what you paid for. What are you complaining about?

You’ve learnt the hard way. Next time before making purchase on such things, you might want to exercise what we call caveat emptor

IMEI you can check with ur phone,
Plus specs pia make sure they match the original phone,