Captain America: Civil War Part 1....and other randomness

yeah. hopefully, they make enough money to buy all the rights they sold off those days. coz even spiderman has role in Civil War, but with Sony holding the rights to that character, we may be stuck with endless reboots.

lol at “pansy” … but yes, he is indeed a pansy.

I don’t know why but I feel that the level of lameness of a character is directly proportional to how “busy” and “complicated” their outfit/costume is. Quick Silver looks like he sat down in his moms’ basement and painstakingly drew many versions of this stupid costume before arriving at the lamest most lame option THEN proceeded to sew it piece by piece himself!

Another case in point is Captain America. That shield makes me want to scream out every fvcking time I see it. I mean, I get that they want to go with the whole “defender of justice and he who wields the shield that protects the weak” thing but … argh … it is just as outrageous as if they had given him a bald eagle to carry on his forearm everywhere to remind us of the USA aspect of him as a character. I can’t with him!


Sony licensed the character back to marvel so maybe they’ll learn to do better things with him.

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Well as far as Cap’s uniform goes, its just always been like that so I have never really thought about it. And since he was conceived as the total american soldier, i guess there isnt any other way it could come out.

but if you think quicksilver was lame, what about someone like Emma Frost? I cant wait for the next movie when she emerges to fight in her nightie and panties:

Augh! Don’t even go into female superhero costumes. There isn’t enough disdain, outrage and WTF to cover that subject!

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Here’s a stale joke, from back in the day:

Superman was feeling bored after a long break of crime fighting & wanted to go out & party so he called Batman to ask if he wanted to go to a club & pick up some girls. Batman said Robin was ill & he had to look after him.

A little disappointed, Superman called Green Lantern to see if wanted to grab a couple of beers. Green Lantern told him he had a date with Catwoman.

As a last resort, Superman flew over to Wonder woman’s apartment to see If she was free. As he landed on her balcony, he saw Wonder Woman naked on the bed with her legs open. Superman thought to himself “I’m faster than a speeding bullet, I could be in there, have sex & out again before she knew what was happening.” So Superman did his super thing in a split second & flies off happily.

Meanwhile on the bed, Wonder woman said “Did you hear anything?” “NO”! said the Invisible Man, “But my ass hurts like hell!”


superhero movies trailers are always over hyped :D:D:D I find the movies disappointing

Nope. Im not reading any articles or watching any other trailer from here on out
Will wait for the main event.

Same way i have gone blind and deaf to everything about star wars. I have only watched the first trailer. Next destination will be the theatres

Google “A long time ago in a galaxy far far away”
