
There is a rumour that Fred Matiangi was transferred from Education Ministry to Interior Ministry even before finishing ‘his stream lining’ of education sector because of his intended closure of church based universities esp, Catholic University.
Was told Catholics powerbrokers went to Uhuru personally to voice their disapproval with how Matiangi is handling education sector which coincidentally Catholic is a major player. To which other church based universities Methodist and PCEA also voiced their grievances.
Coincidentally Matiangi a SDA by religion did not name any SDA run University, Baraton or AUA of any wrong doing in a attack aimed at church based universities.
Uhuru listen and put a non Christian to run the show.
How true sijui. But highly probable.

I worked with one guy who calked it quit after 5 years, the stories of what happens there are horrible

Straight outta … … …

Everyone should mind their own business, we dont care who you bend your knee to. And why are all religions/businesses all against Catholic? Why dont they hate on each other sometimes?

@Liberty kindly explain to these people the reason behind the photo.

Explain please !