Chilly tales from a Morgue Attendant

I was told it was a ghost. From the description.I believe God has angels assigned to me so I don’t scare easy. I lived there for a while and I was OK, no further encounters with whoever it was.

One time I took a bus from Malindi to Mombasa. The only empty seat had this person who looked like an impaired person and a young kid like 4 years old. Everyone was staring at me like… So as we moved on the person I can’t tell if it was a man or a woman started talking in different voices. Like a man’s voice then a woman and then a child I guess it was the local dialect. So I told myself that since I wasn’t going to stand the entire way lemme just read Satmag coz all the passengers were staring at me and then the person was having conversations with themselves in different voices. When I got to MSA I asked a local and they told me that people offered their kids to be inhabited by demons for riches. It becames a living sacrifice.

I had alot of these experiences at the Coast but they never really bothered me. Maybe because I believe in the spirit world. I would sleep like a baby ina house with no fence, no gate and no burglar proof and I adopted a cat that followed me everywhere and you know cats there are said to be djinns. So maybe the locals were suspicious of me especially walking around with a cat. I was feeding it fish on the daily so it’s the least it could do to thank me. LOL.

There’s another shrine in a cave or something that has a very bad reputation those sides. I usually don’t visit these places bcz they are demonic altars.

It can give one chills, since it’s quite a dead and mysterious place. I was working on a project that required me to go there. Trees have covered a large part of the ruins of the ancient palace, and it can make you feel nervous.
What is it about the cave shrine? It is still used? I might want to see it some time. Since you don’t fear the spirits, I will ask you to take me. I’m sure they’ll fear the fat cat in tow.

I don’t fear spirits but I also don’t go to demonic altars, like taking some one to visit a witchdoctor, the same way a devil worshipper may feel its an offense to his master to go to church. I can’t quite recall the name but it’s a cave which is like a high level altar for mijikenda. Maybe if you have a friend from the area they can tell you.

There’s is a witchdoctor near Malindi high who is in spirit form, it’s in form of a strong wind, you are welcome by a beautiful lady in a buibui then you are ushered in and left to the spirit.

Things there are just on another level. I once went to a certain place to get a rental. A lady came in wearing ninja, when she entered the office she removed the head covering. Wah. She had the most scary eyes you could imagine. Funny enough you could not see it when she had the ninja on. She was either Arab or Asian. So I asked care taker what is up with that woman and he told me she’s there to guard the owner of houses not to get conned or something to that effect. Thankfully I never saw her ever again.

Ati a witchdoctor you can’t see coz he’s a gust of wind?! No thanks. I wouldn’t like talking to an invisible thing. Anything you can’t capture with the lens sitaki. But I have a couple of friends from Kilifi and Mombasa who can tell me what I need to know.
It seems like the woman with strange eyes wasn’t even human. I wonder how all this involvement with the spirit world became so rampant at the coast. I don’t know how true it is, but someone told me you could buy land in some areas of Kwale and you become so confused, so you won’t be able to do a damn thing with it.

Areas with large water bodies usually have alot of marine spirits even communities around Lake Victoria are afflicted with promiscuity and HIV and alot of witchcraft.

Yes. It’s an actual spirit not a human being, the person who told me the story took his friend bcz his friends daughter was very very ill. The spirit then started to tell the guy with the sick daughter that it was his step mother who was bewitching his daughter bcz she was jealous bcz he was building a house, she buried some witchcraft in the foundation of the house. So he was to go there with either a pastor or imam to burn the stuff then come back with a goat some pilau cooked and tens of thousands of shillings after his daughter got well. Which is exactly what happened. When they returned to make the payment the pilau they brought was put on a large sinia and the wind came and carried it, the goat was offered as a sacrifice.

These things are so rampant that you become desensitized. I once lived in an apartment complex with a sorcerer so the customers used to come in late at night and they start their drama with all the noise. I had gotten ear plugs bcz of the noise from muizin. So I would just pray and sleep. My friends who would visit me from Bara asked me how comes I wasn’t distressed to be in such close proximity with such. I don’t know but it never bothered me.

The Arabs like living very near the water and they occupy most areas near the ocean. They like to live communally. It is actually a very interesting eco system. From the wizards, to brokers for the wizards, to sex workers who buy charms from them to nab tourists. The activities of the kingdom of darkness are endless. You actually appreciate Christianity more when you are in such God forsaken areas. You learn to ignore them and you get closer to God. The drama tires you until you are forced to block it from your mind.

What I find shocking is that you say you, Truwoman, have seen some of these things. Some of us are conditioned to take them as tall tales. I’ve heard many stories, but I’ve never met anyone who says they themselves have seen. It is always that someone else told them another person had seen. It’s not commonplace or even ‘normal’ to see spirits.

How comes a owl is associated with a ghost. Why can’t a ghost be at Equity bank on Moi Avenue ? This is 19 century stuff.

Ghosts, wizards, charms …19 century old wives’ tales.

The 21st Century isn’t that much advanced either as far as spiritual matters are concerned. I think anything that the mind cannot comprehend is usually pushed to the realm of demonic influence, so that man can presume to have control over his day to day challenges. Imagine if we accepted that the surreal dimension of jinis was a fact, and a sane person you trust told you some ethereal white-robed figures were spotted hovering over the tables, or their long tongues were seen licking the cheeks of a beautiful waitress in your favourite cafe, would you ever step in there again?
A little while back just before Covid, I was stopped by 3 cops, a lady and 2 gents, and they asked for a ride. As we were on the way I was ranting to them about the traffic mess in the roads and wondering what should be done. One told me some people benefit from the chaos. He said they had witnessed something very scary the previous day at the scene of a horrible accident: they noticed a woman secretly scoop a bit of blood from the road and put it in her handbag. He said he was so shocked he couldn’t move. They couldn’t even ask her anything. In fact as he told the story he did look scared. Now, I don’t know how to understand that. But lots of strange things happen, even today. People are involved in things you may not not even wish to understand.

Its not associated with a ghost, rather it is an omen, a messenger of the spirit world.In Chinua Achebe’s books he says that owls are messengers of death according to African folklore. Before a death occurs they will be found hanging around your homestead and hooting incessantly even during the day. Owls are nocturnal beings. They hang out in places evil spirits like, like caves and shrines. Gede ruins in Watamu, a certain cave and the Kaaya forest are shrines for the mijikenda people. Therefore you find strange animals associated with evil lurking there. I have never visited them bcz they’re demonic altars and my faith doesn’t allow to patronize such places.

Ghosts gravitate towards certain places, let’s use the word evil spirits. They like places with water bodies, they like hospitals and mortuaries. They like caves. They like tunnels. If you are sensitive spiritually you will feel the presence of angels and demons if you are admitted in a hospital at night. Morgues are crawling with demons bcz demons reside in human bodies when a possessed person dies, the demon is in limbo and they need a new host or living body for them to inhabit.

A owl is a extremely beautiful animal. Only problem is you can’t have pets around. They will carry even a dog( small one). I remember walking in the corals in Watamu. Very spikey. I didn’t know Gede ruins were close by. I would have visited. I like such historical places.

There are also benevolent spirit beings. There are angels. As I told you, I lived in a house that had no fence, no grills and not far from the road. People including my dad was shaken when he saw how open the place was.

I never felt bothered bcz I would call upon my guardian angels to protect me as I slept and I could feel their presence and so I never felt alone. I actually felt safer than if I was living with 10 people.

I found a cat there and didn’t jump to conclusions that it was a djinni. I fed it some small fish I’d buy at 10 Bob and put out some milk for it bcz in my culture, a woman is supposed to be generous and kind, so she takes care of even animals around her. I always found strays to feed everywhere I’ve lived. Not just at the Coast. If I see a lost kitten I put out milk for it on a daily basis, till it’s big enough. I would also put out bones and left overs for stray dogs I saw hanging around, when I was a kid, my younger brother, exactly one year younger than me, had all kinds of pets, rabbits, doves, cats, dogs. Our neighbor was a Mauritanian woman who was married to a Luo she had boys who kept like 15 dogs, I saw my mom cooking ugali for my bros dog. So I kinda find it abnormal when people don’t take care of animals, after all it costs nothing and it pleases God bcz they are his creation. As kids we had made this bird feeding place with some water and rice or small pieces of bread. We loved animals. So I really can’t think differently just because I am at the Coast where cats are said to be djinns. Even djinns are creation of God. Satan himself visits God every once in a while as we see in the book of Job.

Why should you fear ghosts and when you die you will become a ghost yourself? It’s just another dimension like when you were in your mom’s belly. I even lived in an apartment complex with a sorcerer who would be up treating customers the whole night, it was so noisy. I bought earplugs and my angels were on standby incase his evil spirits want to venture to my house as he’s conjuring them up. He had so many customers.

Next time visit the aviary next to Moreama cottages. They have all different kinds of birds of prey and they even let you handle them.

That other dimension of reality is something I do not understand, so I prefer not to get too involved in it. Though I delve a lot into the world of imagination, I’m very pragmatic. I like to understand things and to know how to solve problems practically, rather than subjecting myself to a situation in which I feel dumb and powerless. Actually, that’s why I avoid any kind of intoxicant. I like a clear mind. Once you’ve grown up hearing horrible stories of harmful things in the spiritual world you simply don’t want to meddle with them, like keeping strange cats, allowing snakes around the home or consulting witchdoctors. Academic curiosity and work have taken me to a number of places I normally wouldn’t go to for leisure–like Gede. Maybe one day I’ll get to see those caves and get to hear what they’re about. I just don’t bring a spiritual dimension into it, it’s just a historical site. To me the owl is just a bird; I’ll either chase it away if it irritates, or ignore it. Of course it’s good to take care of animals, if you want to keep them. But what I find spooky is when people say they’ve seen things that other people can’t see. It makes me wonder if those sightings–like the man you said you found sitting at your door–weren’t just the imagination playing tricks on the person seeing.

I was accompanied by someone who was dropping me. He also saw the man and adviced me to leave which I did. The next day he was gone and I went back to the house. No problem. Never saw him again. He looked odd. Very old tattered clothes but brand new shoes, he had those piercing eyes. I didn’t know it was a ghost till I told a local the story and he told me that was a djinni. Too bad he wasn’t in a bottle.

I believe in the spirit world. I have seen dead loved ones in dreams. I have dreamt of places I have never been to before I ever went there. I am a spirit so by virtue of that I do enter the spirit realm from time to time. I can pick alot from my 6th sense that can not be explained logically.

Even if you avoid it now when you will die and eventually end up in that realm, why not begin to get used to it now.

Hehe, what would you have done if he’d been in a bottle? Smashed the bottle or drowned him, coz he obviously wasn’t a friendly spirit? And by the way, why did the person dropping you off say you turn back–was the jini some common lout that bad been hanging around tbe neighbourhood?
About dreams, everyone dreams. But to me most dreams seem meaningless, or I’ll have forgotten them by morning, unless it’s about something bad. Sometimes it’s possible to dream of places you’ve never been to. Twice I’ve dreamed of some extremely beautiful place. In the dream it is familiar, yet when I’m awake I’m sure I have no idea where it is. It doesn’t look like any place I know, not even from pictures. Yea, dreams are very wierd. And if it’s about death, I’m planning to be around quite long, so wish me blessings:D

The person dropping me was a local but I guess he didn’t want to scare me by telling me that this guy is a ghoul or extraterrestrial, like ET phone home. I found out a lot later. He hangs around the area once in a while. Apparently he’s a lost and tormented soul.

Genie in a bottle makes wishes come true. Can I take it from your ignorance that you didn’t listen to Christina Aguilera?

Or watched Cuties?


Britney Spears

Arabian Nights?

Ok, I get the idea of the genie in a bottle, the old traditional one about jinis (I prefer the Swahili spelling) being trapped in a bottle, when you rub it the jini appears and is at your command, like Aladin’s magic lamp. Christina Aguilera gave it a romantic twist and took the place of the jini.
In your case, as in Christina’s, you’d have been the one getting rubbed. I doubt you would have enjoyed that:D