Coronic Arab wannabes moving to South C & Fedha Estate

You are fence-sitter. Watermelon. Pick one side. Either you support Republicunts or democrats. No ifs and buts.

A fence sitter/ watermelon means someone without a stand and is changeable. That am not. That’s so stupid. I don’t do herd mentality pal. And since am not American iam neither republican neither democrat supporter

My only regret as concerns this thread is that I spoke too quickly. I should have waited because I am sure that you and abba were on the way here to contradict yourselves.

I am sure you would’ve said something to the effect of how Somalis are despised even in the European country you currently live in.

I see what you are trying to do here. Since I realized racism haitawai isha, I switched modus operandi. I became a Black Nationalist. Pole kwa ule mwafrika ama Black person that will experience racism anywhere…alafu pole pia kwa mzungu, mchinku, muhindi ama any non-black atajipata kwa mikono yangu akijaribu kuleta umalaya na hana muscles. I slap them into the next dimension and give them back a double dose of racism.
I will treat everyone the way they treat my people. I wont be surprised by racism and I will always ensure my kiondo is loaded with chronic reversere racism for supply. It works, trust me. Kulamba watu matako na kubeg for better treatment has never worked. Reciprocation has worked for me severally. You only need to know the negative stereotypes and insults that works on certain cultures. By the way, those dirty Zoomalis think they are better than “regular black people”, so, f**k them, they can all sniff corona and die.

Hahaha. Too bad, you should have waited. Since the crowd pounced on your sister @Purple (of course i was the ring leader), when she was insulting Mexicans, she is very quiet nowadays. I rarely see her. I hope she is fine

That is the attitude my man. They throw insult at you, you throw it back. No hesitation. No licking their azz.

But Somali aint a race