Craving creampie

@pseudonym good tip! :eek:
but I actually like the feeling and having it dry naturally.

Ever tried it as a face cream too? I swear my skin feels softer after :slight_smile:

@Teddy_time thanks :slight_smile:
Just write my thoughts on experiences

Not a porn blog per se, I just like to post my private explicit thoughts here anonymously :wink: would be nice to meet like minded peeps

You will soon find yourself in the cold plains of Siberia.

We will see :wink:
Online ish is not that important either way…

Tiga fangi!

Muiritu akiaria waganu kungira githee hau hatiri na thina maniii

When it dries, Doesn’t it leave a whitish streak which is all flaky ? And the scent of sex ?

Face cream Nayo issa must. :wink: