Creeping Wahabism @ Jamhuri High

I doubt it. Before independence it was Indian, cc @mishty
Infact some old boy Indians have renovated it from time to time. Meanwhile the carpet lickers are destroying a legacy.

That’s their MO, always bullying other people while claiming religious persecution. The only way to have a “logical debate” with a muslim is to agree with everything they say. I once watched a video, some muslim immigrants in london were protesting, calling for the British government to implement sweeping reforms, including introduction of sharia law, separation of genders in all public places, and headscarves for women. They were also demanding that the Queen and entire royal family convert to Islam. The nerve!! You wonder why they fled their countries when all these were already in place.

The gym I attend is housed in a building where they are the majority.The building itself is owned by one of them.Is this why ladies and men gym are separated.II have never seen the female members of the gym.But the gym is good.Well equiped

The problem ni Somalis, I have never seen an uncouth race kama wasomali…Arabs majority are accommodative e.g. Jordanians na hawa wa Dubai but msomali ni raw material ya nature yenye iko at a very high undefinable level.

Accomodative kitu gani.Majority of these people are foreigners here and are now pushing their agenda slowly by slowly.It is them to fit in and not the other way round.However based on how such matters are handled in this country,I am sure they are going to have their way

Please distinguish between an Arab and a Somali

I believe the ideology of Islam is the root cause of violence in areas that are predominantly moslem. The very origin of islam is combative and warlike. Just look at any country with even just 50% moslem population .Look at Nigeria. Look at Pakistan.Look at Afghanistan. Name it. You would expect that if a country is under Sharia , then who would they be fighting but then there is Shiite and Sunni Moslems one group follows a rela of Mohamed the other a close confidant, thats enough for them to kill each other like they do in Iraq and other Moslem countries. In Somalia theyre all one sect but are warring over clans. They escape their countries to come enjoy the freedoms,law and order and peace in Christian nations then shortly their confrontational nature takes over and they forget why they left Islamic States to come to Christian nations and they begin their crusades to fight for their rights. Forgetting that they fled anarchy and places with no rule of law like Somalia they want to Somalinise the nations they go to forgetting that it is they who fled Islamic countries because of conflict and lack of freedoms. I have had close interactions with these guys and its like wako pamoja sana even those attacks in Wajir leading to teacher exodus, they know who orchestrates those attacks and even facilitate them ,feed them and give them info about whereabouts of Christian visitors and teachers. Awhile back they would tell kids to throw stones on the roofs of churches during Sunday services. Let us not delude ourselves that peaceful coexistence with non moslems is anywhere in Islamic doctrine/teachings. Its only that these guys in Kenya are a minority if they were many, like even 40% ndio mungewajua how tyrannical and lacking in tolerance they really are.

I have not interracted,lived,worked or shared anything with an Arabs.I just hear of them.I meant the ones close to me.Are you one of them

She’s already showing weakness. I knew Amina Mohammed should have not got a serious docket like education. She should have got a Loneliness docket invented just for her like Theresa May invented one in UK

We ngoja KCSE results under her tenure , we will have 700 straight As. Cartels got rid of Matiangi because he was spoiling their gravy train. Its not a coincidence Amina was put in Education, its for the cartels to have a smooth comeback.

No I am not but Arabs tend to be more civil than Somalis and this is my personal honest opinion

There was a time Islam contributed to civilizations in Southern Europe in places like Andalusia where the North African Moors and Arabs that had conquered parts of Spain, Portugal and Italy lived positively with Jews and Christians. But in the last 50 to 100 years, Islamic bigotry has become destructive to humanity.

Ive never understood the obsession of appointing alot of moslems to top posts. Fact is a moslem is a moslem first and a Kenyan later. They will drive the islamic agenda not a Kenyan agenda. Our leaders think moslems make more unbiased leaders but nothing could be further from the truth. They use whatever leverage they have to drive the islamisation agenda. Just observe the moslem leaders we have. For example, the crew that attacked Garissa Uni lived in Duales hotel and were never vetted before going into hotel with all that ammo, they were not even recquired to leave their IDs as is the law in all border towns hotels. Much as we cant say theyfacilitate terrorists they most certainly dont resist them.If you listen to the Somali narrative in the Wajir teachers exodus you can see clearly that the teachers safety is of no concern to them, all theyre on about is their right to education but can an entire population not know how militias map out whereabouts of Christian teachers and even fresh visitors? Ive even heard of teachers being whipped by students -Saudi Arabia style -for their kafir lifestyles. This being a majority Christian nation,moslems should have few seats in government since theyre a minority. IMHO theyre too many in government and its not good for our country. The other issue is that growth rate of especially Somalis could see them become one of the largest groups in Kenya. The mean birth rate is 9 kids a woman, in a few decades I will not be surprised if sharia law is in the cards.

Prof Magoha is still running education ministry.I hope he will be firm not to allow us going back to yester years

Mine too

Magoha ni mkubwa wa KNEC, he doesn’t run the education ministry.

Atachunga exam leaks,that is where the whole problem iko