Daktari saidia

Ahsande sana kuhu

Your KAWASAKI sins have finally got up with you!! Your dick is used to the roughness of your hand and the tightness of your grip!!! Without CD you get atleast 50% of what your hand delivers with CD you get 25% which is insufficient to mantain an erection. :eek::eek::eek:

Osiris I asked for the solution

u just want my attention…ok am here…tafuta matusi zingine this has become too old even for a dolt like u…just like a toilet fly i try ignoring u but u are all over my shit…style up pls…style up or just leave me alone.

1.If it’s KAWASAKI related quiting is the only solution,
2.If it’s because your were anxious because you were unsure if you could perform with a CD next time be calm and have faith in yourself.
3. If it is old age related the good doctor @Luther_12 will help.
4.If its 2nd generation alcohol related I dont know the solution.

hio tranjiformer ikatwo haina kazi

hio tranjiformer ikatwo haina kazi

Ahsande kuka osiris