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That’s the life cycle of a woman and there is nothing you can do about it. It is just how they are. Like brand new matatus with a short shelf life. Women age like milk, and men age like wine. Once she hits 26/7, life smacks them in the face. The good thing is that the pretty ones (18-25) aren’t that smart. And the smart ones (above 26) aren’t that pretty and probably have kids.

:D:D:DAti enforced celibacy

Hello guys. That is the problem of a lot of girls from a lot of different countries, but not all girls are the same. Personally, I am married to a Russian women and I am really pleased, because Russian girls are so different than others. They have their personal nature, they are hot in bed but so shy with others. I advise you to read an article about [COLOR=“BLACK”]russian women personality and you will choose to date with a Russian girl. Just take a look)

But nyanchwani is one great writer. His narration skills can only be matched by Etemesi.