Dating members of the disciplined forces is dangerous

Hard to argue with you on that one, a huge chunk are corrupt.

Infact, there is a correlation between IQ, the rational brain which is the prefrontal cortex and the limbic system. Low IQ people are more likely to base their decisions on what the faulty reptilian brain processes. Never a good idea…

Now you are reasoning… And of course foolish people corrupt entire critical systems and mess up the society… Cops are some of the most unreasonable corrupt officers but they are not the only ones… In fact it is all over in our bonobo filled society… Corrupt people is unwise in the long run

Had taken leave of my senses for a while, I’m apprehensive about anarchy sentiments.
Corruption is a philosophical state and our concept of honor is a mirage

Anybody who takes cash in order to subvert justice is unwise… In fact, what would stop the law enforcer from trumping up charges on you so that they can extort some cash from you? I cannot support anarchy but will always not respect any corrupt person… Let them and others restore dignity that once was… If they refused to take a bribe and decided to charge all offenders, what would happen to them? Nowadays people do not respect the law since they know they will just drop some dirty notes for the cop to collect and look the other way… How is this good for our “disciplined” forces… I also cannot condemn all officers since I have met a few really principled and just officers…

You’re right, it’s a morally bankrupt society we are in. The criminal judicial system is in shambles, our clergy is turning a blind eye more often than not.
The media is in a frenzy creating half baked morons.
Too much liberalism is creating a chaotic world at the expense of tomorrow

Our nation requires a reformat and a reboot of some kind… our value system went with the rain water to the ocean a long time ago… cops, politicians, civil servants, private practitioners, religious guys are a real representative of all of us


Not unless you live in a Kenyattaesque cocoon… zero interaction with sirkal
