Depression due to constant travel.

I’ll download the app

Dedicate your life fully to Christ if you are a constant traveller

Niko Wakala Majengo

Keep going and try to take a break.

Waiting for curfew to end so that I can travel at night, that will give me some free time.

You can also try Zen Buddhism. It’s teachings and meditations guarantee inner peace and you become free from the draining negative energy of the travels, places and people. No fake pastors to hold you ransom, noisy churches and nosy churchgoers.

Also, avoid lanyeism as much as possible. Have a wife at the base that you are mostly posted or most accessible inyour route

I read Echart Tolle back in the day, that’s the only interaction I’ve had with zen.

You should be blaming your lifestyle.

You’re falling into the bottomless pit of pleasure. You will not find what you’re looking for.

This is the feeling you get when you have too much of something good until it becomes meaningless.

What are your hobbies. Lanyes and booze do a good job of filling empty time. But they never satisfy. And cost.

If you don’t have a hobby, develop one. Plenty of opportunity for creativity in the internet world. And with your travel. I follow lots of travelers on YouTube. They take people to places they never been. Every town has an interesting place , a hidden culture, interesting facts, waiting to be shown to the world…

Hoes are miserable and depressed due to the nature of their work. They work asubuhi na usiku bila kupumzika na very scanty time to socialize and rest.

Where do you spend most of your time? Which towns do you frequent most and what’s the duration of stay in any one town?

What do you mean by almost “calling it quits”?

Una reason aje gathe? kwani wanakulwa every minute, si I though they just spend hours kutega client, kujiseti tu kwa shimo zao, how is that lack of rest? wewe endelea kukata makende yako na kisu pole pole

You’re going to age (and die) prematurely if you continue with that lifestyle. You might think that everything is fine on the outside, but your organs are deteriorating, putting you at risk for heart attack, stroke, diabetes, or alcohol induced car accidents. Is it worth it?? Your choice.

Shida yako ni pombe. You aint depressed son, punguza pombe utapata health inarudi sawa, climate affects you less, and you have enough energy

Gwachana na fombe, tafutanga guest houses with quality lighting, carry a book at all times.
Hiyo Maisha ni boring kama fwakin, utajipata ukijiuliza hii ni Maisha gani ulijiwekelea. Kama umepata ya kutosha, quit

Not true. Its exciting at the begining but a year or two into the job. It becomes monotonous. My biggest challenge during my job related travels was food. Followed closely by fear of missing out on important milestones for the kids. I had to request for an office job. Less pay but more connections and eating what i like not what is available.

Well said man, ignore that low IQ bonobo who prescribes another drug to a patient with persistent symptoms telling him “try this one, it is much stronger” overlooking the root cause of the problem

I hated long laybys and different time zones.