Documentary & Interview: Idi Amin Kicks out asians

And how will that benefit the country???The Asians will go with their supply chains and we will be sanctioned across the continent(the AU has a clause preventing that nonsense from happening again) and across the globe.
Those Asians would be invited to neighbouring states and Bidco’s supply chain would shift from Nairobi-Rest of East Africa to Dar-Rest of East Africa.
Do not delude yourself that racism can solve anything. Look for ways to compete.

Explain how Ugandans got a fair chance as the industries the Asians were expelled from never recovered to date.

Not true. The only Bari speaking people known for canibalism were the Makarika.

Ghassia nyinyi , Uncle Robert Mugabe did it not kitambo . malema will do it in fact ANC has agreed on expropriation of land without compensation

It is doable .

You forget it has already been done in Kenya before… Idi Amin followed Jomo Kenyatta’s example in Asian bashing/property expropriation…it was the so called ‘Africanization’ of the Kenyan economy right after Independence. You are asking for season two. It wasn’t so conspicuous then… didn’t make headlines… because Jomo was an ally of the west during the Cold War.

They should leave look at all the major scandals economic crimes they are involved from Goldenberg to arror an kimwarer to all the collapsed banks Delphis , imperial , Trade , Triton

Shida ya watu kama wewe is that you take whatever part from a comment you want to in order to feed your inferiority complex. So with the way you are thinking you want them to always have our economy in their hands? Right? Because we can never compete with established businesses? Whoever controls your economy controls your country.

Keep thinking that these individuals are your people and if you only knew how much they despised your kind.

And that is why i said us bantus need to empower ourselves and take matters of our economy into our own hands and If we are able to beat the competition then they will leave of their own accord. I never said i hate indians and i wanted them to be slaughtered all i said is they are not my people and am not their people.

Why are you defending these people So much? Are they your bread and butter?