Every Man Must Stand With DJ MO!

That was a bit low for DJ Mooo , yeye ni ng’ombe sana…not because of sampling huko nje…
But When a woman gives birth to your kids, kuna heshima unampea kiasi… and by extension the respect is so that your kids respect you…
1.Don’t discuss your wife’s sexual stuff with malayas or friends…
2.Don’t fuck your house gal
3.Don’t bring women to your house
4.Stop fucking around in the neighborhood esp if your kids are grown enough to see…

Most of these stirring dramas are probably scripted or exaggerated, and a marketing strategy to promote their program or the YouTube channel to get more views and enlarge their audiences, even if it damages their reputation at first. Four days ago I read an article about Jalas. He revealed that in only three months, he had earned Ksh1.8 million from adverts on his channel…

I know you must have heard this, YouTube Partner Program lets creators monetize their content on YouTube. Creators can earn money from adverts aired on their videos and from YouTube Premium subscribers watching their content. Now you understand where I’m coming from….

Wachana na Jalas na panganga yake. People who make money do not go singing around and driving fancy cars. That invites the taxman to demand their share and look keenly into his affairs and also brings other problems.

everyone believes Size8 is an angel- trust me she’s not , I KNOW

Why are we arguing its a DJ… He’s doing what he does best umalaya

Guys are busy throwing stones at this guy, yet they have the same same kind of personality.

I thank God and consider it a sign of maturity that i don’t know who dj mo is.

If Wabosha Maxine with her 15M views says she makes 200k a month, how does Jalas with the same no. of views make 1.8M in 3 months which is 600k per month? I don’t believe that story of his.

Omwami hekaya ikuuuom.

My take on the issue ya dj mo coz imekua all over i wont ignore anymore…he is a nincompoop!

And as usual, a man’s mistake is always physical, which can be seen and proved in public. A lady’s mistake is emotional, most of which cannot be seen. And as usual, a man will receive all the mud. And a woman will be the victim. Maybe the man has been the victim for years. Maybe the DJ would wish to leave the lady… I can’t give final conclusion until I hear from the man. Unfortunately men don’t talk.

The actual rates an advertiser pays varies, usually between Ksh 10 to Ksh30 per view, but averages out at Ksh 8 per view. On average, a YouTube channel can receive Ksh1800 per 1,000 ad views, which equates to Ksh 300 - ksh 500 per 1000 video views

Take an average of ksh 400 per 1000 video views
Now with 15 000 000 video views. do the Maths you will arrive at Ksh 6M. As we follow them, watch their feuds…and talk about them we are simply making them rich. People are hooked on drama…and they know.


Nipe link penye umetoa hizo figures niconfirm hesabu

Umeikula nini?

hizi zako no theory mingi tuu…

Isn’t it the other way round? It’s women’s mistakes that are physical, and can be seen and proved in the public - unwanted pregnancies and illegitimate kids. Society sees the woman, doesn’t see the man.
“Singo mathas” is a catch phrase here. You never read about singo fathas yet they are countless.

This tends to happen to many women after having two children.

Hii mtoto ya Singomatha hajui, you don’t answer questions like, “wife yako hukufanyia hivi kweli?” It’s a trap boy, you pretend that you haven’t heard the question and tell her your wife and kids are not something you discuss with anyone.

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