Extreme Disrespect.

Being housegalitarian has never been my style… This girls father though alive has been unable to take care of her and so she was living with her pastor uncle from whom we got her after he also got overwhelmed by his own family which is also large.

Certainly, one of the reasons I’m mad is because it has actually taken us years to find some who was responsible and compatible. It is just the five of us in the house. My wife works til late and I also travel abruptly though not so frequently. It now may mean that wifey and I have to make heavy adjustments before we can find someone trustworthy enough to leave our children with.

This assertion

really doesn’t deserve a response but I’ll be a gentleman.

Not likely…never been that way.

The beauty of life is that it is uncertain and unfolds differently no matter how well you plan. There is no need to burn bridges with family members just because two adults engaged in a natural act in your house. They both chose to have unprotected sex so they both should be responsible for their actions. At this point in time the best you can do is ensure the two resolve the pregnancy in the best way for all the parties. Our law is generous and even provides for polygamy

Hopefully, but not likely…He has baby mommas everywhere - even I don’t know just how many kids he has.

This sounds reasonable. However it may not quite be burning bridges but I don’t see myself ever hosting him in my house again especially overnight.

I’ll your advice and calm down. Truth be told It is the children who are going to be hardest hit now that she has to go.


Conspiracy theorist par excellence.

The girl is a naive 17 or 18…

Not likely…simply out of the question.
But you’ve gotten a laugh out of me at least!

Only sounds workable in theory, not practical for us at all. We have ever tried a nanny who had her own baby… He cried ALL the time and craved attention like hell. I was greatly relieved when she finally left of her own volition because it was going to be heartbreaking to fire her.

A responsible girl that got pregnant with your visiting cousin. Do you know the meaning of responsible

youshould be ebarrassed beta male.hukukamua huyo mboch?

Well until this happened we’ve never had issues with her. She was extremely clean, bonded well with the children did her work extremely well. I think she was taken advantage of…or likely was at a point where she was very vulnerable.

Pole sana. That kind of househelps who hold the family together are very rare to find even if you offered to pay double.

You seem to be Naive…first things first…your daughters…keep them safe from all relatives male or female…now to the matter at hand: you can choose to be a good man and try to talk to to your cousin to take responsibility for his actions and also help the girl in any way you can…OR you can also choose to kick out the girl and continue letting your cousin sleep in your home till he impregnates one or all of your daughters…Choice is yours.

I find just the thought despicable…I’m natural funny and although somewhat introverted, have had more than my fair share of high grade p***y. I have dated a lady who is currently a cute high court judge, a UN professional in New York and others I will not name. Not that mboches are lesser human beings or anything - just never swung that way!

So you employed an underage kid to take care of your kids!