Feminist have ran over radio, they are now moving to TV

Don’t know if it really does, but I get so tired of hearing ‘single mothers everywhere’ as if they created the children after masturbating on their own. I am proud of them as much as those that are in 2x2 families.
I find the discussions being thrown around rather fake primarily because the debate has been hijacked by clueless shosholites. Then it so happens that in my case I swing like a pendulum. I have my traditional values that I hold dear and I can also stand up for self on some feminazi related ishus if pushed.

Sielewi . So why do you wade in there without protection knowing that there is a chance that she might conceive and you do not want to commit to her. That basic point ndiyo huwa nalemewa kunyita. In short it takes 2 to tango.

Single mothers are a woman’s poor choice in choosing a partner (good genes vs good providers).

Today I was reading about the people who died in Vegas. And I realized in all of these shootings there’s always men who cover/shield women from this gunmen. And much of the time these women are even strangers.And that last show on Victoria’s lounge about single dads and also other shows she did about heroic men. So I was like if you listen to the negative,misogynist vibes that come from men who have no families,probably no academic or business or career sucess to show for their lives. Its very easy to bcm jaded and think all men are like this.But the thing is the shitheads and the assholes are the loudest. They get behind anonymous handles and all the poison in them is spewed.But the real men are just humble family men and you’ll only know that they’re the real deal when there’s a shooting or their wife dies and they bring up amazing kids singlehandedly and they get media attention but hutawapata in a forum like this one telling people of their heroic acts. But the perennial losers,you never hear the end of their hate,victim mentality and negativity towards women ! Theyre failures and they want2blame it on woman the universal scapegoat! I will not pay them any mind or even engage them, such a pathetic manchild deserves to be blocked once and for all.Never to enter my awareness again in this lifetime! If I must look at an example of what is a man in our world.Id rather focus on the heroic men who lay down their lives for complete strangers or those caring4their kids singlehandedly not the deadbeat serial impregnators. Not some characters here who have zero accomplishments to show for their lives and are too spineless and principleless that if hell breaks lose the best they can do is hide under your skirt instead of manning up and protecting the women. Bure kabisa!

@Kihii Kiaganu…I disagree. So men are therefore vvv innocent when they too are as bad/poor in their choice of a good woman?. Forexabo they should refuse to have unprotected sex with a woman they are not sure of in my view. Kweli ‘Houston Houston’ Kenyan women tuko na kashida kanaitwa perennial stigmatising of single mums. Meanwhile both young men and women lives’ are on a downward spiral as they disagree on this pointless debate.

I think in my view young people should look at their own personal situations and make a personal judgment on how they want to lead their lives. I would like to know what your situation is, but never mind. Sigh!

Reminds me of DJ Mo speaking ill of single moms only to recall his own mother is one. Any which way unless you were raped or a divorcee. Sioni why any woman in her right mind is risking getting pg with some bugger who wants free unprotected sex with no commitment on his part. Let us also as women be responsible with our posterity. Furthermore with incurable cancers and HIV what incentive does any woman have to have sex outside marriage? At the end of the day, you cannot expect a man to take the responsibility for your poor judgement and lack of self control. If Mutoko and Mwanyiga at 50 plus can avoid pregnancy for all those years,I don’t understand when I see a woman barely in her 20s with more than 1 kid out of wedlock.I have a male friend whose mom had 5 kids with different men.Thats what happens wen you put your sexuality in men’s hands hoping they’ll take responsibility yet under the law they’ve not committed to you. Nowadays its fashionable to just go out n get pg which is very wrong! If a man has not married you legally you should not have sex with him let alone bcming pregnant4him yet he’s got no title to the property he’s just a squatters.

I ageed with everything until you mentioned Nigeria,ati NIGERIA, listen to Chimamada Ngozi Adichie’s youtube or find her books.She is the mother of all male-bashers

Where is this question leading to? but to answer you, @Ka-Buda is the one responsible for ‘making’ single mothers.

In the whole world? dude’s got stamina then.

lol unfortunately people don’t want to marry anymore simply because of the burden it may bring when divorce occurs. A lot of men work so hard to get their shit (because hey a woman won’t want you if you aint got shit anyway) only to see it snatched away from him because something didn’t work out… and laws make sure he gets the wrath yet women out there shout for equality… its like a man is always walking on egg shells no matter where he tries to stand. Men are beat down by women, system, society etc… but i see your old school approach on this…

yep. How about you? got any stamina?

Hehehe endeleeni kulilia boy child sisi tukisonga mbele.

Best I exit the topic.

lol… Btw just do a simple quick research see how many women are miserable they are not married…especially those over 35

Please show me the paper that you published this nonsense research in.:rolleyes:

I disagree with that statement because it is not entirely true. Some single mothers become single because they didn’t realize they actually had a good man until he was gone. Some of these women push men away either subconsciously without knowing or through a self entitlement character they begin to display…

Since you didn’t want to do a quick search i did it for you ma’am… everyone is talking about how women find themselves miserable… maybe this articles may bring some light on how society has pivoted and stop living in denial. Feminism is making you more miserable that you thought…



niliquit morning TV that way. kila mahali naenda ni muchene tu za madame. The atrocity is that men think its cool. ule Aineah wa NTV alikuwa anakuja tu kudeputize kobi and that sheilah. hana agenda yoyote anapewa except kusoma news na kuongelesha polticians. Hiyo ingine yote ni feminista stuff.

Relationships/Marriages Do not work or not work. You make it work. Otherwise nobody would be married. God knew why kids must be raised by two parents. And btw does this dividing of properties work in Kenya? Bcz Ive seen enuff divorcee who got nothing! Not even child support! So I don’t think thts the excuse to impregnate women outside wedlock without forming a family! I think the reason marriage failure is rampant is because theyve lost the reverence for God and family values. Now life is about immorality, lust and greed,consumerism and materialism! Personally I believe relationships can not work if God is not in charge of them. God is the only one who can give a person to the grace tolerate the challenges of marriage,inlaws,even a difficult spouse. Its not like our husbands are angels but whenever you reach a point of giving up God always comes thru and strengthens you to continue with the journey. Marriage is not a picnic,it is very hard.If you go in with that mentality of things May not work so lemme have a contingency plan,you’ll raise your kids in a broken home. But if you go in with determination to make it work. And also make God the head of your home no matter how tuff it gets it’ll work! This demonic agenda that marriage is bound to fail which is being pushed down pples throat is an anti family agenda. Men and women have bcm militants against each other yet theyre supposed to be partners. Now half of all marriages collapse. Men and women just want kids and to remain independent to sleep with other people! Or pursue whichever life of debauchery! Anyway,we think we are very bright,we know better than our ancestors who lived and died by family. Its only wen its2late we will realise, the more things change,the more they stay the same.