Finally, Madaraka Slow.

Sgr naskia unasave time then unaenda kuwastika kwa traffic ukielekea mombasa town after you have arrived

Hahaha lkn your handle kwanini c kenyacockroach :D:D:D

Maybe so, but you’re about 6 hours ahead of the cattle-bus, and relaxed because there are no bumps, twists, hooting, close-shaves and hawkers.

Positivos know that a link road is under construction.

:D…kamùtugo gaka níokendete mùno…citation manenos

18 minutes to MSA. Great ride, and the problem of poor or absent catering that pioneer passengers complained about is no longer there. Mashakura tele, bei si mbaya sana.

Finally, not from Skyscraper City.

nikega tondu nigatumaga andu matuike accountable kwi miario yao.

Next week will be back to normal, it is the trend at the beginning of school holidays.

Sounds cooler i think