Floods Official Thread

Wow. The downside is telling where the rain water ends and sewage begins. Zimemix. Next thing utaskia ni cholera outbreaks. :confused:

This is happening in Nairobi every year.

And I spoke to a government minister last time this happened to the solution that is infront of us.

First we reclaim and expand Nairobi Dam then all the waters coming from Ngong River, storm water drainage would all be emptied here. When the dam gets full the excessive water are emptied downstream which will flow through a system of concrete storm water drains. Then they’ll merge with the Nairobi River which should be expanded and deepened. As the River flows south the Quarries around Kairobangi and Mathare should also be turned into Dams. This collection point would ease the excessive flooding felt down in Athi River.

When the rains have passed Nairobi will now have new sources of water, a clean and useable river that can be used for recreational purposes, same goes to the dams.

Then we can build upon that by improving the storm drainage functions and move people away from flood plains especially in the poor areas.

I told you the people in charge of this country’s affairs have a combined IQ of a door knob. They can’t understand what you just typed despite it being straight forward and easily achievable in functional societies.

This doesn’t sound to be in the best interests of China Road and Bridge so… Non starter.


These are the fruits of 55 years of corruption, land grabbing, nonexistent planning and incompetent leadership at national level and at local level

How was one just here?

at least it’s a mixer of our own shit mam



Guys be safe. Get home early You can drown in very little rain in Nairobi. I remember going to see someone in hosi and it started to rain when I was leaving. In no time water was everywhere and my car became a basin of water. Had to park in a petrol station till 3am waiting for the water levels to go down. Get home early coz drainage ya Nairobi is non existent. Just a little rain could have you drowning.

Is this guy serious?

Ires aboru location, sericho ward , isiolo county, Ewaso nyiro river burst it’s bank and divert to the main supply route.

Its high time we reinstated the integrity of these offices by electing the right people.Who poses for pictures when downtown people are wading in muddy streets and feel no remorse about it.

nairobi dam will soon be gone totally, seefar apartments plus others are already in it, Kwanzaa hio seefar, it was to be demolished but the people whom we woke up very early to vote and cheer for them said apartments are more profitable than nairobi dam, seefar apartments were saved, They said Nairobi dam doesn’t add any value to nairobians

:D:D:D Nothing seems to be of value in Kenya.




Endelea Sonko. Trust me it will be worse in 2026.