Gen Miguna takes on conman raila over Corona coalition with wanjohi

Iyo ni mogoka base stories, the guy is filthy rich.campaign donations from his international partners alone is enough to sustain him for three lifetime

Miguna is a talkero_Oo_O

Miguna is sick. In fact he is now walking together with tanga tanga just because of a common enemy

@Stew maker Sio mimi nilisema ni @spear.

There are no welders in the kijiji to Defend their noble profession?

When he made this video, some Million kshs were sent his way to catch up with bills.

He then changed tune.
He’s not different from Kuria and Spears them. When funds run low they attack the source then their accounts are padded. :D:D

Funny as f.

Haha haha haha

:smiley: Jamaa anatambua kibaki pekeee but ukweli this guy is a threat to national security

Yes he is.“Welder”. There are things I have said on this website and seen him use.


Miguna is just a rebel; he goes after anything and anyone and is not loyal. He is way too radical to be elected anywhere in KE besides his home area maybe, where he would still struggle to persuade the electorate. Hii KE siasa ya matusi doesn’t get one anywhere. The best he will always hope for is appointments to plum positions by his paymasters, who will dump him as soon as they’ve heard enough of his noisemaking and insults.