Google auto complete: white people playing gender politics

Refer to my reply to @Rene Descartes comment above

lazima utumie Google? There are nore than 20 serch engines in the world> Hama

Yeah I agree that’s how search engines work. But it was also exposed in the 2016 article by the Guardian which is a major news organization that these auto complete feature can be manipulate. This article is too long to post here so I will leave it in the hyper link below:
How Google's search algorithm spreads false information with a rightwing bias | Google | The Guardian

people have been gaming Google algos to favour their sites since time immemorial, nothing new. There are even forums that teach you how. Google cannot know everything, that’s why they tweak after a report and not that they knew and were ignoring

In the end everything in tech can be rigged.

and risk fines worth billions from eu? Nobody needs such publicity especially after Cambridge analytica incident

Watch Google Search Team Answers the Web's Most Searched Questions | Autocomplete Interview | WIRED

Humans repeat the same mistakes over and over again. This is one of the google exec being exposed on hidden cam.

This woman explains nicely how they manipulate google search engine after the 2016 debacle.

You can watch they whole documentary here in the below link. Youtube removed the documentary.
Insider Blows Whistle & Exec Reveals Google Plan to Prevent “Trump situation” in 2020 on Hidden Cam | Project Veritas

Hii ndio maana nasema once you start watching and following conspiracy theory stuff you will fall in that hole forever and keep believing in such bullshit. Duckduckgo has always been fighting Google yet they had the same results from the screenshots I showed.

Trump team used social media effectively better than Clinton’s team. Same way Jubilee was effective on Social Media more than the Cord team which was full of clueless old men who don’t understand how social media works.

How can this be conspiracy and yet several google employees have been recorded, I did google the name of that woman and found out it was a real person. If these were lies google ingekamua the producers of this documentary bila lube because they are slandering their name. A company as big as google has a battalion of lawyers waiting for this kind of case.

some ya’ll villagers’ search history is questionable