Guyz. Maisha imeraruka sana huko spain. 738 wamegenya in 24 hours

Europe feelin what Africans felt kila saa wakiweka news za Ebola zikimaliza Africans BBC now tides have turned

Imagine if we had the media listing how many people die from cancer or heart diseases every day like breaking news.

But now that we have all corona cases being counted and reported all over social media, it’s causing people to panic.

see realtime death counter here

:p:D:D:D:D:D @Purple I thought @patco had conclusively proven beyond reasonable doubt that you are a quack fake self made and proclaimed nurse who lives in Muranga but operates virtually from USA…:D:D:DAnyway I am just kidding.

You can’t blackmail God

Ngori man, haujaskia Raila wameipata?

China is lying like a MF

At ukimwi inakupatia time ya kujipanga kabla ya kuondoka. Hii unashikwa Monday by Friday uko byebye

Cancer cases don’t increase rapidly. They remain stagnant year after year. Corona increases exponentially. I don’t know whether you studied mathematics properly. Exponential growth is no joke my friend, don’t compare this to cancer.

Yes, you can’t compare. Cancer has a higher mortality rate than corona- at least 70 percent.
Second, cancer cases have increased in the 21st century and they will continue to increase in the next 50 or so years.
I’m not trying to underestimate corona virus but it has been amplified by the media.

So many people are walking with the virus without showing any symptoms. Not to mention, 96 percent of those confirmed with corona have recovered.

But how many cases of cancer are reported daily? Hii ukiskia uko nayo, ushasambaza kwa wengine kumi. And most likely in Italy at least one will die.

Boss, there is no taking chances, Italy dilly dallied, wako wapi? Look at Spain too. Learn from your friends mistakes so that you don’t have to suffer similar pains or at least shorten recovery times.

Corona is very lethal, taking 500+ souls per day literally makes mortality rates of cancer irrelevant!!!

What the fuck is that, that is some serious ignorance you are feigning there huskii 80 percent are healing without treatment

Nobody reports cancer deaths. It is thrown under the carpet.

In the U.S alone, at least 1660 people die of cancer every day. Worldwide, the number is higher.
But you won’t hear “Breaking news: 1660 people dead today due to cancer or heart disease”.

People like normal, and anything that doesn’t seem normal makes people panic.

He is talking about the ones who die. 80% are mild to moderate cases but 20% are serious cases and some will die. The ones who die die very quickly. It takes less than a month for someone to die of Covid but for HIV it takes years.

Cancer has been around for hundreds of years. Literally cancer rates have been increasing gradually for hundreds of years in the world. Again, let me repeat this. What makes Covid scary is not how many people it is killing today, it is how many people it will be killing in 6 months if no action is taken to prevent it. It is simply stupid for someone to think that in 6 months covid will still be killing the same number of people as cancer. Data analysts have created models that show that in 6 months up to 1 year tens of millions up to hundreds of millions of people will be infected if nothing is done. If 5 to 10 percent die then you are already talking of millions of dead people. What makes a disease dangerous could be how infectious it is and Covid spreads faster than cancer. Even with a lower death rate than cancer, it can still kill more people because it will infect more people. This is simple mathematics. The reason why Flu kills alot of people is not because it has a high death rate (it has 0.1% death rate), it is dangerous because it infects a lot of people (hundreds of millions of people around the world) compared to other diseases like cancer, which is dangerous but affects relatively few people

Just be sure to get tested and start early treatments.

I have an appointment in 2 hours time at a drive thru facility…

Niaje umeumwa kwani uko na ukimwi? Let’s talk about the dead. How many days from infection to death. Also indulge me on HIV infection to death timeline.

Do it for the Dow !