Help: File transfer b2n comps via phone

Cable way is fast compared to WiFi and Bluetooth.

Use the phone as you would a flash drive. Thats pretty simple.

btw. A laptop computer can also be a pc

Have learnt the lesson.

Not an option. File is 10gb. Phone is 8gb, but free space less than 2gb.

Thats why we carry external disks around.

upload on drop box ama google and download on laptop or even better leave it there to save space on both desk top and laptop…their encryption is top so your porn is safe

Use data cable to and tethering software to connect you comp to internet, then use cloud storage…google drive or dropbox to transfer

Edward snowden told people not to use drop box… US government is spying


Hey, man.
This might be late, but I hope it helps.
If you have an SD card, give it an exFAT format.
NTFS, FAT32, etc have maximum individual file sizes.
If that is too much, compress and split the file into 3 or more zip files, using winrar, or winzip.

All the best.