How do you cope with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)?

I once suffered from one of these disorders but luckily mans self-treated himself


Utapona. Perhaps you can inquire about starting on a mood stabilizer pill if things get tough for you. Lithium, a naturally occurring element, was discovered in the 1800s and has been showed to decrease the intensity of manic and depressive episodes. It’s the most widely used drug for BPD.

I have never taken a single drug to treat it… I have learnt to just withdraw completely and do the most minimal things… manic behaviour for me has been very rare, not more than 4 episodes in my entire life as far as I can remember but can be very dangerous as I can remember being arrested for almost beating up armed cops… when I recall the incident it scares me considering that I am big and the cop had a small body and there were others with him all armed with AK-47s… but it is very rare to explode nowadays

Kojoa ulale

intresting read my friend but you are wrong;You are not broken you do not need fixing.
ADHD and hyperactive disorder has its perks.
1)Brightness/High IQ
2)Physical Brilliance
3)Interchangable logical solution strain.

out of this three you have 2.
a Doctor will give you drugs.
A psychiatrist will prescribe “behavioural tick” chart.

advice:Dont read everything on google
consult a proffesional

Lulz your problem is that being in the first world has taught you how to articulate everything and match it with a self diagnosis. Simple.

Just find a hobby ,music ,art.A hobby helps you focus

Kunywa dawa

When I was in school, I become thin and weak. I would not study for more than two hours, because my elbow joints would start hurting. Heartburn was a big problem and I would wake up at night a drink antacid like three teaspoon. The doctor tested me for everything, told me he could find nothing and gave me a prescription of small tablet that I would take one per day. I started noticing they were working wonders but I was getting a do not care attitude. The semester ended and went back home very weary.
At home I visted a seventh day friend of mine, we had soya tea and what I felt was great the fatigue suddenly disappeared. From there on I bought some soya for myself as well. Joint pains disappeared but heartburn persisted for another 5yrs. I got my first job I discovered that beer could cure heartburn completely.

My son has some challenges similar to the ones you mentioned. He’s in primary school, upper primary and as he gets older, he now continues losing focus in his academic work, and getting addicted to computer games. But we learnt too late that he had a condition called congenital hypothyroidism, which if we had discovered early, could have been managed. What is disappointing is we had a good senior doctor, who couldn’t even pick up the clues at birth yet they are so visible. Sadly, many more children are born with it and a blood test done a few days after birth is all it takes to confirm it and prevent future cognitive disfunction. Tests for thyroid function are a must in some countries abroad. This isn’t the case here in Kenya.

One can still succeed in life if they know their system… In fact when all is lined up, these same people will super excel… I have learnt to utilize the period when all is lined up and this helped me to be at the top of my class in primary school and high school but it affected me at the university since this requires long term consistent concentration that is extremely hard for me… for short term work, even at the University I would be at the top of my class with very little struggle and having studied for a very very short period when am in the normal curve… I still do not take any medication since I understand it has serious side-effects… adaptation is necessary for survival…

We get worried about the young lad. But he performs well. Does well with short assignments but vitu ndefu …matokeo hayafanani. Am encouraged… thanks.

Are you serious?

Its true, my life is weird. For instance I got my first job oct 2007 and got a scholarship oct 2008. Looks normal but keep those dates un mind. After I lost my job in mid 2014 i got into small bizness upto In oct 2017 when i got another job followed by a scholarship the following year oct 2018 . I didn’t plan it was all coincidence. I am meeting different people this time but they all have the same character to those I met if you substract ten years from todays date. I know you will think i am mad

Scholarship in 2018 for what?

Interesting coincidence… I got fired from a job unfairly where I used to earn 240K gross and within a month, I got a job where I got the exact figure but NET salary without asking for the figure!! I think some of these things are very interesting!!

These patterns try to awaken ourselves to understand ourselves better. Now I can predict what is likely to happen even when it seems unlikely. Well it is like lived a rehersal. Let take an example and look at kenyans politics. In 2007 there was PEV followed by nusu mkate. In 2017 there was chaos and nullifing of election followed handshake. Ask yourself why didn’t handshake happen in 2013. Is it that I am consciously looking for this patterns? I do not think so.

Of course for postgraduate studies

Pole sana my nephew too has it and we have to hide the chapos from him sometimes … we love him to bits though…he is a special big boy. He loves animals and the parents take him to shosh’s farm every weekend so that he can feed his cows .
It is not easy dealing with a special child .
I salute you.