Humanity of God

About Atheism my bad I did not get the meaning well:), about the olympic sarcasm try to reduce your pride …if you are to have a clear headed discussion

But if he isnt keeping score, why repent? What does it matter what I do if He truly loves me and I am living in His Grace?
These are the attributes I am talking about. I shouldnt be able to slight him Him if all He is is Love. He should be impervious to anything i say or do. If not, then he is capable of being resentful and unforgiving which by its very nature is ungod-like!

Ha ha are you serious ama arguing for the sake…

So God is not all forgiving as you say he is. Because what you are truly saying is that I have one chance since I have one life? Hell, is described as burning in fire and brimestone or whatever unimaginable horror for eternity. Some say it is just being away from the Glory of God that is agony. Whichever the case, if one were to go to hell, in that point of suffering that one is their most fully repentant because they realise the folly of their ways, are you saying God does not and would not forgive?

I am serious. The problem with the argument about being absolute Good is that it cannot allow for any instance of bad. For example, every man born of a man and woman is born with original sin. Fine. So God goes around this problem by having Jesus born of a virgin.
Simple enough explanation and clears Jesus.
But you have to see the issue with what I am saying then. For God, attributing things like anger and jealousy to Him, make him less of God (absolute Good and Love) and more of just god (fallible but still omnipotent).

God forgives but not mocked

If one was to go to hell there is no going back …if you could try and get some stories of NDE (near death experiences ), most souls awaiting hell are still
proud and curse God and call Him names . Its very simple heaven begins here on earth …living a just life here according to your circumstances …and you shall surely
see God .

I wouldnt rely on NDEs…i find no difference between them and any narration of a hallucination.
Mind you, Lucifer or any other demons seem to have the ability to traverse between Hell, Earth and Heaven. It therefore stands to reason that anyone should be able to as well.

Now we are getting somewhere…yes the decision is 100% yours on which direction to get, the Bible only give you a map, plus the rules on how to use it, and also give you a hint of the outcomes depending on which route you choose. Unfortunately, human beings were give more cognitive power over other beings and hence given a chance to use it by making the right decisions.

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Clear headed? You believe in a supernatural being who gave birth to himself. Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!

I did not get you there …after you are condemned to hell as a mortal you should traverse then …as demons do ?

Yes. Or more precisely, you should be able to all the way till judgement day since you wont be have your corporeal form till then.

Not possible , thts the meaning of being condemned…

Wht makes you so interested in the spiritual world…would you like to witness those things like in super natural the movie ?

Aren’t demons condemned? Lucifer most of all and yet he is all over the place all willy-nilly.

Its not the spiritual world per se, it all things theology. I like a structured argument rather than resorting to “just because”.

my god is my god and your god or no god is your god or no god

Closet extremists!

Which villager? What happened to His Son is that it had to be so for he loves Humanity. About Jealousy, He created everything, why then should you worship what He created rather than He Himself.

I think if you get the light and greener pastures it is better to share with others.

I mean that it is not good to be meanie.
To better understand this, let me ask you a question: Is it possible to sit down and eat your favorite meal with a group of friends and not make some grunt (mmm!) or explicative of approval? Of course not! Why? We instinctively want to complete our joy.
When we truly delight in. something, the way in which we complete our joy is to tell others, or say (mmm!). This is the physics of joy and it must complete its circuit in order to be fully enjoyed.