I Ate a Salad For Lunch..

I like shrimp. Maybe well cooked calamari. Very little seasoning. That’s an appetizer.

Or soup. Kwanza seafood soup. Mmmwaa.

What you posted was a whole girl meal. Give me soup and my steak or ribs.

Ah, didn’t know 176 is the minimum for ‘modelling completions’.

Lemme dust off my dictionary for banter, man. I’m sure I’ll get it:D. Maybe while there, I’ll get sarcasm and send a picture to you.

Ask @Purple or @Mrs Shosho or any girl here. They like us to have some weight (something). If you’re a man, you know what I mean.

I know you want to get back to where you lost this, but ni sawa ndugu. I’ll get you goat soup anywhere you want.

:DI don’t know where the underhanded dig ins are coming from, but I’ll take them. And the soup, lord knows we’re starving in the 254.

Soup. Where ? When?

I’ll come back to this thread with a picture of a paybill dear sponsor.

The only salad natambua ni jaba

Hii sio salad kusema ukweli.

Hapa kuna Kenchik nusu, mayai nne - mbili boilo na mbili scrambled, bacon, avocado… Na ati ni “salad”!

Sasa kama hio ni salad, proper meal hukaaje? No wonder people are always struggling with weight and gastrointestinal disorders.

Salad is the way to go

Mbisha ni muhimu saaaaaaaana.:smiley:

But what he eats is what I manage…seeing that all he can cook is mboiro meat. A really good one tho.

I agree. Because when I used to work, women used to bring cakes and chocs for the team to share. Ohh it is my birthday, oh think we all need a sugar rush so I baked this over the w/e, oh let us have a bake off competition and award marks…oh it was me mum’s birthday…
…and it is also the Brit tradition to go on hols in the summer na uletee biscuits, chocs from out there …so here we go…'oh some goodies from abcd country at the usual place…help yourselves…before you know it…uko na kitambi to deal with.
And yes kwa gari…they have so muuuuuuuuuuch junk food.


Nein…wangu haruhisiwi kitambi. He eats like a horse but that is coz he lies to me that he likes my cooking. Tho I keep it balanced because of the small kids and gym rat teens.
But you gorra point sitaki a thin rod man…weight in the right places, arms, brain, and…[SIZE=1]I shall leave you with the thought…[/SIZE]

Naona tutaweka mbisha soon. Pia mimi. There is no way I can toil hard in the gym or swim pools to keep fit na wewe hubby uniletee kitambi…let us enjoy food as we should but also acknowledge that we cannot stuff ourselves with junk and expect to enjoy good health and old age. And also not deny ourselves. Tricky but v doable.
This is a v good thread.

I don’t want a paybill because I can’t do anything with it. I earlier said soup. That place near Eastleigh or Kenyatta market. I’ll bring a fly swat :wink: I’m buying.

Sponsors ni kitu mbaya. We’re talking about women feeding their men and stuffing these ngucus and avocados down their throats.

Weka yako. Mine is already on the internet (stupid mistake). If you want to see it, act quickly because it won’t be there long.

Hehehehe At least you know…

BTW, I’ll be there in person.