ii fala Njeri ilikojolea kitoweo ya mafisi

Because it’s only natural for opposites to attract, once ran into a ‘masculine’ lass at a cbd club pre covid.

Honestly it felt odd watching her act tough and boisterous - apparently that’s what men in her view are, it was even funnier when she went to the women’s loo :D:D:D:D

A professor of Anthropology at Moi University conducted research on lesbian couples at the coast. He found that lesbian relationships we not egalitarian. He discovered that there was inequality. There were two types in every relationship he studied. A basha (played the role of the provider, was older, made decisions ) and shoga (kept house, used make up, looked up to the shoga). He concluded that lesbian relationships exhibited the same power dynamics as heterosexual relationships.

Which makes me wonder why the purchase of penis phalluses?

Why the inequality?

Why the heterosexual dynamics?

I can’t remember which comedian said that lesbians love d’ck, they just do not like what comes attached with it.

But now I’m no longer sure that’s the case, it’s more or less like a tattoo… a minute declaration of independence from nature (norms/heterosexual) and an assertion that said independence is normal and ‘natural’
Marriage is a conservative institution, liberal’s lack of originality wants to redefine society to suit their needs.
Gender fluid???