In the news today

Work hard, when you become wealthy you will understand these things. Being reach does not mean you have cash under the bed always. death comes when unexpected. You can’t liquidate your assets in one week to cater for funeral expenses. It will take even years for the widow to access mzee’s funds coz due process has to be followed. People take loans for basics even when billionaires. Wacha familia iomboleze,

Nyenze was a good man but I cannot support them by donating. He was an MP earning almost a million shillings a month and other generous pension from Kenya taxpayers. I cannot justify donating even a shilling.

I would take a gift. That is expected of me but I’m not so sure about participating in the wedding committees.

Hata Grace Gathoni Kariuki, a billionaire many times over, when he died harambee iliitwa

i said this thing of treating some people as gods iishe.fuuuuck.watu wa salgaa tumechangia???wangapi wamekufa.shiiiiieth

How much should you keep as liquid cash at any one time, even as a mbirrionare?

Tell you a secret. Ever heard of making your money work for you? Ever heard of sweeping accounts? Why leave money lying dormant in a savings or checking account when it can be generating more money? When you need the liquid cash, advise the designated personal banker and they do the necessary. :smiley:

You don’t keep any cash around for running the house, or for small stuff that might arise?

Oh definitely. In separate accounts. That has been budgeted meticulously to cover incidentals.