‘infantalisation’ of today’s adults

Parents and societal changes are also to blame. I read in an an article at https://www.todaysparent.com/blogs/kids-today-less-freedom/ that today’s kids don’t have the independence or freedom that 1970’s kids had.
That same truth is relevant today in the sense that kids raised in rural areas are more independent and responsible than their urban counterparts…Today’s kids, even when 15 or 16 cannot take a matatu, heck,some can’t even go to the shops alone. These kids have also never done chores in their life and have workers for that. the ripple effects goes on to adulthood where they aren’t encouraged or eased into moving out or starting businesses. Thus, burden of responsibility coming at such a later stage in life has detrimental effects on maturity and responsibility of a person.
In my view, parents should encourage independence and responsibility early in life to prevent this ‘adultesense’

I was kinda excited for a minute there; the best nanifestation of infantilazation I know about pertaining to homo sapiens is sucking women’s breasts.

the current kenyan economy is unforgiving, to build up your career you have to work extremely hard, call me immature but I usually don’t mix my hobbies & income with intimate relationship… so she can’t interfere with me when I want to play fifa with my work mate