Joke of the day.

I see… Oh no,you are the @Seer

Please don’t! Enda ukasomee jokes zako na uko usituretee apa. Priss!


Is this supposed to be a clever joke ?
Am i supposed to be impressed ?

Galileo,why would you be impressed by stupidity?

@KaBuda = @Mosa

the childish sweeps:eek:SMH

Seems you’ve mistaken me with someone else
Am not Galileo , (don’t want to be Galileo, infarct i take offence), am just fine being @Seer

That was in reference to your Shakespeare quote…Ha!

Galileo born -!5th Feb 1564 to 8th Jan 1642
Nationality - Italian
Occupation - Astronomer, Physicist, engineer

Shakespeare - 26 April 1564 to 23 April 1616
Nationality - English Man
Occupation - poet, Play write , actor

Spot the difference

Nothing in common except the year of birth

don’t understand the “in reference” part