
ngoma kabisa

What criteria. And from whom will the Messiah deliver you?

who are notable members who are judaismist members

Rebuilding of the temple of Solomon
All Israelites will return to their homeland(Isaiah 11:12)
Knowledge of God will fill the world(Isaiah 11:9)
The people of the world will turn to Jews for guidance
All the cities of Israel will be restored
Weapons of war will be destroyed
All the dead shall rise again(Isaiah 26:19)
There will be no more hunger,illness and death will cease.(Isaiah 25:8)

Once he is king all the nations will look to him for guidance( Isaiah 2:4)

The whole world will worship the one God of Israel( Isaiah 2: 11-17)

Basically our criteria for who the Messiah is is found in the book of Isaiah. Jesus was a Jew who went to the temple and I doubt he ever referred to himself as God or Messiah.

Do you steal

Do you steal

No I don’t, by the way not all of us are thieves

@Starscream wewe ni black hebrew isralite?

Their “Messiah” will perform the greatest miracles ever witnessed, he’ll be the greatest trial ever sent to mankind. He’ll be one eyed, but all mankind should remember, our Lord is not one eyed.

Liar liar pants on fire :D:D:D I studied kabbalah while I was still looking for a spiritual path and what you just said right there is one big fat lie.

Ok, educate me, what does Kabbalah say about this so called Messiah?

My father converted to judaism as a young man and he taught me about his faith, I’m not an Israeli

Kabbalah si dini its just a philosophy, its more of a cult

It originated in Judaism. Infact, I learnt the Torah when I first began and then it started getting all philosophical and stuff. The only thing I didn’t like about them is the expensive books and other things you have to buy. But they do not force you into buying or attending their classes. The Rabbi can email the teachings to you on request, it’s not as bad as people make it sound. Anyhu, I’m past all that now.

Ni hayo tu.

If you have a wet dream do you stay away from the city wall until sunset as prescribed in the Torah.

Can one pay for sex?

Those are outdated practices


Torah is outdated?:D:D:D