Just When You Think You Have Seen and Heard it All.

Ahahaha… I can’t help it! He’s got that idiot’s ( and I say this with warmth and no malice) eyes and dimpled smile and just like daddy,he can get away with almost everything.

Only a man can teach a boy the way of men and I’ve been bashed enough times for pointing this out. But if we were to set aside our differences and egos and look at the situation critically , maybe we can undo what is happening… but sometimes I really wonder if it’s not already too late.

This has nothing to do with feminism (see footnote) and everything to do with the current disease of being “liberal”(not necessarily in the political sense of the word) and “accepting”.

These people think that being good human or a good parent means allowing a child to make life changing decisions without taking into account, that children are very impressionable. If they get approval for everything, they will take it to heart.

Before I’m told that I’m just defending toxic feminism, I hope you will all take the time to visit those filthy dark corners of the internet which are 95% male populated where they defend and encourage bestiality in the name of “interspecies love”. The same applies to organizations such as NAMBLA which stands for “North American Man Boy Lovers Association” which advocate for “consensual” sex between grown men and underage boys.

It mainly revolves around the words “acceptance” and “liberal views”.

Aiiiii, which corner of the net do you hang out? why not follow normal stuff like normal people…

I used to live in the same apartment with a certain lady who was a restaurant attendant. One time she gave birth to a boy. The funny thing is that she used to plait his hair and dress him in fancy unisex stuff. I was so shocked I just used to see with my mouth but I couldn’t question her.

:D:D:D:D:D If she did then how would some of us know about such creepy stuff? :oops:
And that right there, has left me shocked .

Clearly your son has a loving and adoring mom, so word to the wise.

Too much of anything

That makes sense, I have come across the LGBTP agenda often.

And for those who do not know the p stands for Paedophile.
That level of potency in liberalism has men shaging alligators and ladies marrying tree trunks

I saw that … it made me sick BUT the most worrying bit is paedophilia is practiced by the high echelons in the society … men ( and maybe women ) we hold in high esteem . Those people have nasty habits which they have been able to finance comfortably - some even sign NDA’s with the victims and suppliers and the truth will never come out.

Remember that blonde chic from Smallville? Alison something… Google her

phuck @Nefertities and her homofeminists chieth

People are scared of words nowadays because everything is unpacked into a scary picture.

Because of factors like American history and politics along as the history of religion, being conservative is associated with being close minded, uncaring, racist, elitist, etc while being “liberal” is considered being free, informed, compassionate and other crap like that

And we all know how badly humans love acceptance and fitting in with society. That’s why you have grownups ruining a while generation of humans because they want to be seen as enlightened.

It’s more or less the same reason why very many people ascribe to a particular set of beliefs (not necessarily religious) without really saying anything new when you ask them to explain themselves. They just regurgitate the same 7 points over and over again and sound like they have their own little red book (Praise Mao) which they’re all reading from. Plus, their arguments are littered with ad hominem led thinking.

Free and independent thought is dead.

ebu, is that where women get ferked by dogs and horses?

What about her?

Dead to the masses not to you and a good number of souls, reminds me of the Distant Cousins album by Nas and Damien Marley.

The track Sabali ‘patience’ there’s a line by Damien where he says the average man cannot explain what he chooses to speak of-are we growing wiser or growing tall.

After years of poring through pages and listening to music I’ve realised wisdom has no monopoly, and it’s a matter of looking at the bigger picture and not your prejudices.

MGTOW and FEMINISM have scents of a supremacy battle, and the victim is the most impressionable one -The Kid-

And what fuels this blind acceptance of popular philosophies is purely insecurity, we want to belong so bad to mirages.

Ati alpha male na boss lady? I just want a good ass dark mama with razor sharp wit and a gentle heart, and I was lucky enough to find her.

Why would I jeopardize such a find seeking a hard diamond when I have an cream colored pearl?

She was complicit in child trafficking rings to be exploited by paedophiles

Damn…and people are saying America is better than Kenya…wakwende

It’s cool bruv, ignorance is cruel that way and should you see me wrapped in it kindly correct me.

Mukhulu the male lion was chased off his territory by rival males who took over his pride, he did something that has never been seen. He took his young sons and single handedly raised them. When they grew up they retook the pride and began a reign of terror that has never been witnessed. The mapogos almost wiped out the lion population of Sabi. Notch the maasai Mara male lion took subservient roles to his father helped rear cubs, instead of moving out. He did all the heavy hunting and supported the pride in fending off other males until his father died of old age. He took over the pride. The 5 male lion coalition cannot be challenged and reigns Supreme.

Fathers have more positive effect in child development than mothers.

As long as this evil patriarchy agenda persists masculinity will always be shunned… There will always be a war against boys and men alike.

Only men know the value of good men, strong men, and diligent men. Only men know the importance of sacrificing for the people you love… These are manly traits that can only be taught by men…

Thinking that women can teach men on how to be men is Grade A Delusion… When women teach men on how to become men, these men become lost men who will raise broken homes and fail to understand the role of men in a domestic household… These are men who cannot bear the burden of a society on their shoulders as they’ll always lean on the feminine side and we all know that there is no successful society built on feminine values

NB. Do not bring anecdotal evidence on the few success stories of men from single-mother households. They are too few and far in between

Hahah! That’s for peasants .