kama ni mimi ningeulizwa........

How about doing away with governors and remaining with senators? Parliament is becoming a concert hall holding so many rogue hyenas who do nothing for the nation. I wish we ourselves could decide what we want in each county and follow up on provision of the same. How do we forget we are the employers of those few hundred mofos and let them do pranks on us? Beats me.

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The idea of a unitary state as previously practised unfortunately severely disadvantaged huge swathes of this country and helped sow the seeds that made devolution an attractive option. If anything, current devolution may steamroll to federalism.

Unfortunately, our counties as they exist today are nothing but tribal conclaves that promote tribalism above all else.

I’ve always thought that we need a maximum of about 150 electoral constituencies.

i support you 100%…we do away with governors tubaki na senators…good idea