Kigali: the side you never see on media.

OP akunje tuu mkia atoe hii post yake ya upuss. You don’t benchmark with the worst coz you will always come out feeling good about your situation regardless.
In his hurry to post, he couldn’t figure out that Rwanda is doing something about its situation as we debate BBI and punguza punda while borrowing to steal.


This here is a proper drainage with concrete ‘footbridges’

But the open drainage is still hazardous

Please give it the correct name. It is not a drainage system but an open sewer flowing with shait like a river. Now imagine a kid falling into that mess, so disturbing.

It seems you’ve never been to any slums in Nairobi where you literally walk on top of sh!t. I don’t want to sound rude but there is hardly any city in Africa that has no slum

In your suburban bliss, you can never understand this. In Kibera, Lunga Lunga Mukuru and a myriad other Kenyan slums this is a drainage system especially during the rainy season

Rwanda’s bonoborism in them isn’t as much as ours.

The whole of Kigali was made up of such slum like houses. If you watch the genocide documentaries you will notice that.
What Kagame is down is demolishing those Shanties, one hill at a time.

Kigali: The one-eyed midget amidst blind giants…

Sorry to disappoint you but that is better off than what we have in our Ke slums. Huku sio majuu sista

But the open drainage is still [SIZE=5]less[/SIZE] hazardous.

At least a mlevi has somewhere to crawl on to the other side.

There is nothing in this world a person or government can do about slums, stupi*!

Slums are a necessity for those jobless or underemployed people. Unemployment exists everywhere in the world. And to add to that, some people are unemployed out of choice. What do you do about such? They decide to do drugs and just laze about, steal, rape and engage in all manner of unbecoming behaviour. Am sure you have such in your family or back in shags or in your neighbourhood. I do.

So I say again, slums are not a yardstick for progress… They will ALWAYS exist. It is the nature of the human being. If you think otherwise then you live in utopia and imagine everyone can be equal and that govt and politicians can provide all in life

And by the way even if somehow we built homes for all slum dwellers, you will find some who bring their slum behaviour to the modern apartment:D and soon the modern tenement becomes another huge slum. It is just the nature of humanity!!

@ChifuMbitika, as many have alluded is your post supposed to excuse our mediocrity??? Ata usijibu, kula hio TKO! Pumbaff!

OP toa hii post iko na ushenji.

Negros love mediocrity. Comparing slums is now a thing?:smiley:

No matter what folks say Rwanda bado ni shithole. And one can tell by the over 100,000 Rwandese inmigrants residing in Kenya. Many of them have no desire to go back to Rwanda. Many times we may look down at our country Kenya, our cities and towns but they are still a bastion of financial hope to many immigrants. Including immigrants from super powers like China, India hata Britain. Walk around Lamu and meet British citizens who wonder why they didn’t settle in Kenya years ago. Because they find life here easier.

I have also heard stories sijui Botswana is surpassing Kenya… has surpassed Kenya… but ukifika ground and compare the Nairobi skyline to the Gaborone one we are miles ahead. Kenyans are called “expats” in Botswana. If we were to fix the corruption, mediocre leadership and tribalism in Kenya there’s no telling how far we could go.

Aptly said! Can’t add no more.

Didn’t know skylines are the SI unit for economic development. Kenya’s problem is societal and systematic. Using a medical example, ours would be like stage 4 cancer, on its deathbed but still using billions of borrowed money for useless chemotherapy.

I think I saw a working drainage system

A construction boom is always a good indicator of the opportunity level in a state. You look at Nairobi and the place is stinking of money, literally.:smiley:

You travel through Kileleshwa to upperhill it’s like guys there are competing to see who can build bigger and better. Kenyans are even hiring architects from London! Even the workers look fat.

You look at the new roads, the cars, the instagrams… You know in 1996 eating a pizza or a burger in Nairobi was history in the making. Nowadays hata Meru unakuta pizza. Lazima tu appreciate kidogo. Tumetoka mbali.

And the news doesn’t help either. If you watched Jeff yesterday and the cancer story… it was pure misery and hopelessness. Just beating the viewer with sadness and zero hope.

Why not step back and tell us a solution. Give us the patient’s direct telephone number tutume hata kama ni 10 bob ya dawa na chakula. Tell us a facility we can support so they lower the cost of chemo and radiotherapy. Tell us what we can do to help don’t beat us with sadness and hopelessness.

Manu Chandaria texted Jeff but the idiot journalist doesn’t bother to reply with the patient’s number or something. Do their kids need jobs? Manu Chandaria is watching… chance of a lifetime. We should help if we can, not criticize harshly with zero solutions. That’s just my two cents.