Kulemewa karura

Less Calories in more calories out. That’s how you burn fat. If you run on empty,your body switches reduces the metabolism zapping you of energy. Which is probably what happened in his case. If you want quick energy, have some carbs in what you eat before the exercise. Athletes use this all the time.

Hehe surely, early morning workout is better done on an empty stomach. A good supper provides the energy requirements. If one takes breakfast before exercise especially complex carbs, they might not even be digested and converted to energy by the time one starts working out.

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Wrong, the body uses glycogen reserves for its energy requirements. A good supper is all that is needed to fuel the body for a morning workout.
Also the fats are a source of energy for a good morning run.

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The calories part i agree completely.
The body’s primary source of energy is the stomach contents then the fat deposits then muscle mass in that order that’s why starving people loss fat before the muscle mass.so for the duration of the cardio he will be burning fat as energy not the contents of his stomach.
PS this is only if your goal is to be shredded down to the socks as luimarco likes to say.so long as you have enough clean protein in your diet uko poa

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You just have to measure what you eat. and your purpose for the exercise - fat burning, conditioning, body building, etc. Really everything you are saying comes down to this. Saying proteins, fats, carbs, glycogen…is secondary. You cant burn fat for long(months) at 9km per jog.

Dehydration problem especially in this hot weather is to blame