Kumbe Gakuyo Wa Ekeza Sacco and Gakuyo Real Estate Ni Con-man...

Any investment that promises abnormally higher than market returns ni signs za kulilia Kwa choo.Watu wa agri business at Isinya kujeni.
Helmet :heavy_check_mark:


kweli its urithi, my bad

uyo ni mumama :D:D


David Kariuki Ngari aka Gakuyo was a board member at Urithi before resigning after he started Gakuyo Real Estate - conflict of interest or own it all syndrome got him.His resignation was officially known Kwa AGM that was on 13 June 2015.


What happened to the other Simple Homes con men and women or they are still enjoying their ill gotten wealth at the coast?

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Toyo Owners Club High Occupancy Building
Nice execution I must say.
Helmet :heavy_check_mark:
Body armour :heavy_check_mark:

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I havent heard any complains on urithi, or have they been there? Only one time CBK had an issue with them (and other SACCOS), but they complied and were given the go-ahead.

I believe what (insert Ngari the leopard) could have been the source of complaints but he resigned or maybe pushed out before they could stream in fast and furious.

Heard him on radio brag that even if everyone withdraws their money from ekeza, he will still remain with a billion shilling. well only time will tell

Fixed .
() = -

In Muranga there is one called Broad Borders, any talker who has had complains from them. The sales people have really pestered me to take a mburoti with them.

Nani amekukataza Kuwa kama Gakuyo? Everyone is Conning each other. Game ndio hii sasa

He he he he !..wewe ndio unamjua…wameniandama deadly!..sitoingia hiyo box!


kasaman pia wewe ulisomea huko Larmudiac primary?

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apana but i know every part of this country.kihingo mutiume naishi gichovo njuguini store mbili teret kwa right njoro kamwaura tarakwet nyakiambi arimi ndothua warufaga kiptunga marioshoni etc etc kwenyu ni huko

huko ni home.Judging from the names you mention you must been from those sides pia.

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Si uliona njogu pulled down those photos in fb.He cant just fall down as we watch


bedsitter at 650k? - a company called broad borders sacco. Anyone heard of them?


bedsitter at 650k? - a company called broad borders sacco. Anyone heard of them?