Kundalini Manifestations in the Church

I do not know anything about this so called Luhya God… Chukwu? Teach us about Him and you will discover that He is likely the same God. The Luhyas are Children of God too. Jesus died for them too. The Luhyas who practice true love and forgiveness will certainly not perish. The same way that not all who call Him Lord shall enter into His Presence. The rules of God are fair. Very fair. He has no favourites. All are the same before Him. Knowledge of Him may vary in depth but spiritual evolution goes on for all races and all peoples. Christic principles are the same for all. All who respond positively to those principles shall not die… They shall live… True life in God. Holy men all have the same traits… They love with a holy love. And they love all that is created. Evil men are the opposite. They practice selfishness and hate. And they are cruel to all that is created. It’s simple really. Fasting for a holy man is essential. Drunkenness for an evil man is essential. To each his own path. Each shall reap what they have sown. Whether Christian …Jew …Animist… Buddhist…Muslim…

There is no Christian God but the Christian perspective on God… If a blind person who touches the tail of an elephant is asked what an elephant is, he says it is a tail… God is Almighty and universal but different cultures have their own perspective of the same Almighty God, even atheists who have no perspective towards God, assume He does not exist, until they have their own perspective (if, ever). Denying God does not make Him simply to disappear…

Serpent power is real but it takes years of intense sadhana to pull it upwards!Please don’t involve yourself in esoteric aspects of Yoga. It will accelerate your Karma, then yourlife becomes complicated. Just a warning to dabblers.

yes, they may be teachings of unbelievers, but if you look closely to the modern churches and Christians, its what they are doing.
there is so much information and teachings out there about Christ, God, the Church, Holy spirit… and if one isn’t careful will find themselves following wrong teachings and gods.
everybody is out to make money so they will look for anything to entice Christians/religious people. and what better way than to have people “speaking in tongues, dancing weirdly, shaking and having fits” it’s good we know where these powers are coming from.
remember, “my people perish because of lack of knowledge”

Christians have been taught to put God in a small box. By divorcing religion and science Christians lost a major part of their faith and life. God and science are one. All that science discovers are wonders of His Creation. This disconnect means that Christians reject principles like other universes… Life on other planets…Chakras… pineal glands… Etc. These are called demonic and yet they are supposed to help us reach Heaven. If our cultures and churches taught meditation from when kids are small… And prayer… And self control… this world would be paradise. But we teach selfishness… Naked ambition and worship of Mammon… We reap Hell on earth. And until the teachings change we are stuck in Hell

with teaching like, “love your neighbor as you love yourself” Christians are very selfish in their dealings. it’s very unfortunate and hurtful and when you try to question and point that out you are labeled an antichrist…
Christians need to stand up for what is right and what Jesus intended Christianity to be. but we have been taught not to question our leaders/pastors and follow what they teach no questions asked.

it’s a tough world right now.
not sure if its the end times, but people need to be vigilant in what they believe in.
we should also know everyone has an angle that might not have our best interests at heart.
the line between good/holly and evil is blurry right now and if one isn’t careful will find themselves on the wrong side thinking they are on the right side.

Maswali ni lazima. Even the Pharisees asked Jesus questions. Even Abraham asked God questions. God welcomes a curious mind because that is how He reveals Himself to us. Anyone who refuses questions is not from God. Huyo achana na yeye.

Very true. This agenda is being sold to us in a most subtle way. It takes a bit of truth and mixes in a lot of non truth… And is sold to us very unsuspectingly… The one world religion is coming. And it will be by the Antichrist. The rule is simple. Jesus is God. Anyone who denies this is not Christian. I shall not hate you. But I shall not join you. Simple. Religion sio vita. The problem is that whoever refuses this coming doctrine shall be branded a rebel and hunted down and maybe even killed. This is the coming persecution. Its not the end of the world. Its the end of times. This age is coming to an end. And a new age beckons. The transition shall be very violent and very bloody most of us shall not make it…

so the Devil’s time to rule and reign over the world is here as predicted…
then Christians should be ready.

Most are not ready. The rule is going to come in a most subtle way. The horror shall be unleashed when the evil one is enthroned on the seat of Peter and demands worship as God. Those who shall object shall be killed. And only those who show loyalty by taking the mark of the beast shall prosper. But it will be for like 3.5 yrs. A time two times and half a time. Then the hand of The Father shall fall and the evil one shall be overthrown. And for those who shall remain… Wataanza tena. Kazi mingi. Hii stori haina raha. But just as it was 2000 yrs ago the Jews were asleep. So too now Christians slumber through this transition. If you have the time. Read about 3 days of darkness by St. Padre Pio.

I believe in power of meditation. There’s so much power that can be released through meditation, even the bible shows that.
Human mind has a creative ability that’s why it’s said that whatever you conceive you can achieve.
I find it wrong comparing yoga and Christianity.
I find it wrong also in the phrase fake holy Spirit, did the person who created the video ever experience being filled with the holy Spirit in order to know a fake one?
A person filled with the holy Spirit is an updated version of the human spirit.
There may be similarities but don’t discredit the holy Spirit and his operations.

but yoga, like meditation, can be used to awaken the power?
and i think their basis is observing the non-Christians/believers and how they manifest their sprits and comparing to how Christians manifest theirs and coming to conclusions.
so its either the non-believers are filled with the Holy Spirit or some of the preachers/pastors use non-holy spirits on their congregants.

Who said that the Holy Spirit can only descend on Christians? Christians believe in the Trinity. So The Holy Spirit is God. Meaning The Holy Spirit descends on ALL Creation. Christian… Buddhist… Muslim… The Holy Spirit does not bagua.

but doesn’t Christianity believe its te ONLY true religion over all other religions?

Not everything that happens in church is to be emulated. I may not be able to tell you who is doing it right or wrong.
Jesus gave a parable in matt 13:24-30
[I]24 Jesus told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. 25 But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. 26 When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared.

27 “The owner’s servants came to him and said, ‘Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?’

28 “‘An enemy did this,’ he replied.

“The servants asked him, ‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?’

29 “‘No,’ he answered, ‘because while you are pulling the weeds, you may uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.’”[/I]

The bible is the truth and the holy Spirit helps us to understand.

Whatever influence they are under should not be generalized as holy Spirit. Even someone under the influence of alcohol can exhibit some of the characteristics in @mishale 's post.
Read the bible and get to understand some basics of who the holy Spirit is.

No matter where you tell me to read Hakuna mahali imeandikwa that Holy Spirit is for Christians. If there are people joking around with The Holy Spirit and claiming things that are not so… On their own heads be it. All I was saying is that Jesus died for all humanity. Past Present and Future. Jesus is God and so hua habagui. The Holy Spirit is the 3rd Person of The Holy Trinity and so also God. Hata Yeye hua habagui. Jews… Christians… Muslims… Buddhists… Animists… even the atheist. All can receive the Gifts of The Holy Spirit.

We don’t worship the same God. Holy Spirit is only connected with the christian’s God. How do you suggest that a Buddhist can be filled with the holy Spirit?
John 3:16, Jesus died for the whole world, but not everyone is born again coz not everyone believed in him.
The holy Spirit is open to everyone but you need to be born again first.

That is not true. Who guided the 3 wise men to Nazareth. Who told them that The Child is The Saviour? Why bring gold(king) incense(priest) myrrh(sacrifice). God himself warns them in a dream and they go home using a different route. Did The Holy Spirit not guide these men? Ama in your view who did. Being born again is living the 10 commandments. Jesus said He has sheep who are not of this flock… But they hear His Voice and they follow Him. So God gives children to Muslims and Buddhists and Atheists so that they go to hell? Not all who call Him Lord shall enter. Only the ones who do His Will. Who brings to us The Will of God if not The Holy Spirit. Christians do not own God. God owns us. Do not limit God to what you think you understand. He is unfathomable and unknowable. Wewe tenda wema… Penda kila mtu… And forgive everyone around you…there are holy men and women who are not Christian and yet they do His Will. They shall surely see Heaven. God does not love Christians more than Muslims. To God we are all equal before Him. We are His Children. All have sinned and fallen short… Ama?